Thursday, October 15, 2009

Seems like someone's got a case of the Mondays...

So I’m the first defender of The Office, as evidenced by my recent blog post, but tonight’s episode was beyond any defense I could mount. It was just bad. There were a couple laughs throw in on the side, but primarily this episode was just bad. It was a struggle to watch.
This episode touched on a complaint that was brought to me regarding the lack of stories The Office has to offer. This tangent about the mafia was not only ridiculous; it was downright embarrassing that they couldn’t come up with anything better than this terrible plot.
The funniest part revolved around Oscar’s description of the people in the office that help keep the office sane. Oscar basically says that Tobey, Jim and Pam keep the office from spinning out of control. I think Stanley could help keep things together, but he probably doesn’t care enough to save everyone from themselves
But even this little bit, in conjunction with Kevin’s identity fraud venture, failed to overcome what was a lackluster story. You’d think that the Andy/Michael/Dwight team would be able to stir things up and turn water into wine, except not this time. Although Andy does do a pretty amazing impersonation of a car mechanic, who specializes in motorcycles…
I’m not willing to write the show off after one bad episode. That said, I’m not sure how many seasons The Office could have left. Only if it keeps reinventing itself can it remain fresh and relevant. I for one have faith that they won’t fall into this kind of rut again, and other fans should remain confident too because the show has never let anyone down. One bad episode does not a season make, so I have no problem counseling people against abandoning ship.


EntDailyFan said...

Andy as a motorcycle mechanic - funny
The rest of the episode - not funny

If The Office keeps running episodes like this...I will send it back.

Pop Culture Kid said...

Should i be embarrassed that this is better than my whole post on it?
Please write a guest post Steve.