Friday, December 10, 2010

"Ok, all right."

What I deem funny is rarely the same as my peers, especially when it comes to Saturday Night Live clips. This relic of the past seems to be the bastion only of hipsters, which I reluctantly find myself a part of. As a result, I often find clips to be so hilarious that they need to be shown to the world (also known as my immediate friends that will sit down in front of a computer).
There have been successes in the past, specifically my sharing of the David Paterson bit on Weekend Update. This recurring skit routinely killed my roommate, Sean Kirkpatrick, who frequently returned to it for a chuckle.
In Saratoga Springs I was never quite that lucky, until I discovered a celebrity impersonation that killed me.
Jay Pharaoh first made himself known to me when he did a spot on impersonation of Will Smith on an early episode of SNL this season. The featured player was hilarious as Smith, but the problem is that Smith isn't exactly a caricature of himself and therefore an impersonation just captures a slightly ridiculous person.
Luckily, Denzel Washington is not even remotely grounded to reality in his acting roles, which Pharaoh mimicked in a redone trailer for "Unstoppable."
This skit was viewed over and over by my friends Alex, Dwayne and Eric, who then repeatedly uttered lines while at the bars, to patrons who thought they were looking at three escaped mental patients.
When they got home around 5 a.m. they woke me up so i could replay the video, which they then watched for another half an hour.
Here it is....

1 comment:

EntDailyFan said...

Loved it! Glad you're back.