Thursday, February 4, 2010

Super Bowl Controversy

There is some hullabaloo emerging about CBS's decision to air a pro-life advertisement but rejecting an advertisement for a gay dating website. Personally I find the former to be an idiotic message, which is actually very misleading since it doesn't accurately present the facts of the instance it is referencing. But, I don't have a problem with the pro-life getting air time, and i also don't think the pro-choice camp deserves equal time.
(THIS IS TIM TEBOW's GF. Wanted to run her picture just to show his amazing self-control, since he claims to be a virgin. God is great)
My major problem stems from the fact that they rejected what is an actual advertisement, yet chose to run what is actually a policy statement.
Now i understand that people aren't comfortable with gay people (the same way i understand that people are idiots), but the advertisement isn't that controversial. You don't actually see any kissing, just an exaggerated makeout session that is meant as a joke. If this offends anyone they should take off their white hoods and say so.
Maybe that's an overreaction, because i guess you could say children are watching early on, in which case I would say air it later in the game. Except, wait a second, all the beer advertisements will have scantily clad women, but that's ok.
Here's a link to the advertisement. What do you think of the ad? Should it have been run? Is it just a bad ad? I'll admit the quality is poor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Tebow...jackass!

Well written article, and i'm calling foul on Tebow saying he is a virgin. Saying no to that would literally kill a man...

Oh and thanks for the package. I'll get you something thoughtful after busy season!