Thursday, July 9, 2009

Some things are best left in the warehouse

The network formerly known as the SCIFI network debuted its new show, Warehouse 13, on Tuesday night.
I'll have more to say on it when I collect my thoughts, but for now i'll just give you my first impression, which is that it's a worse version of Fringe.
You've got a mad scientist. Curious male lead. Skeptical female lead. Dead boyfriend. Lady assisstant.
Viewers from either show will know who I am referring to.
Overall I didn't find the experience very compelling. The main duo lacked any charm together, the story wasn't that interesting and the action pretty boring.
This show was more reminiscent of the crappy shows the network formerly known as the SCIFI network put out pre-Battlestar galactica. Maybe a 1950s audience would embrace this Twilight zone-esque bore, but I did not.

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