So thanks to a screw up by Bravo or my DVR, I ended up missing the episode of Top Chef that said goodbye to Jessie and Hector. Luckily, I did get to see last week's episode where my boy Bryan thrived. Thrived, though, fails to capture how well he did and i think Gail said it best when she admitted she wouldn't mind camping with him. Read that how you will, but yeah, he probably banged her (Based on this picture, who can blame her???).
This episode did a good job differentiating between the strong and weak. I think the bottom three in the elimination challenge are the worst chefs and will soon be gone. Pauline, if that even is her name, can't execute and usually has terrible plans. Ron, for all his charm, can't cook fish. I'm a pseudo-cook, who never has any idea what's going on during Top Chef, but even I knew he over cooked his fish in the quick fire.
Utterly amazed that scum bag Michael, the dark haired one who isn't the young brother, is considered a good cook. Maybe it's his personality that has biased me against him, but apparently he has a little game. I thought he was all bluster. His preparation skill with the cactus proved me wrong.
I've always thought Ashley was a strong cook and I'm glad she had a strong showing.
THe brothers V were both in the top again, which is exciting for me as a fan of their dynamic. Michael had a good dish with what seemed like a risk, but I think eventually he will fail spectacularly with one of those gambles at a time he can't afford to fail. Bryan on the other hand demonstrated how restrained and calculating he is. Maybe his lack of risks will come back to bite him in the butt. For now, though, his workman approach to cooking should keep him alive.
Excited for tonight's episode. Penn and Teller, magic, and intrigue!Sounds good.
The thoughts and opinions from two quasi-adults trying to live away from their parents.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Not quite Heroic.
My loyalty to NBC's "Heroes" is running thin at this point. I think we're now at season 4, volume 12 or something like that, and the show is nothing like the riveting television that characterized its first season. If ever a show was designed without a long term plan, this was that show and its becoming more obvious with each passing episode.
The two-part season premiere wasn't all bad. I enjoyed Suresh's absence, Noah's large role and the Sylar/Nathan identity crisis. I would add Parkman's internal dilemma to that list, but he does too much whining for my tastes.
For my money Noah is the star of the show with Sylar. They're polar opposites, with each possessing just a taste of the other's compassion/cruelty. Now Noah is dealing with the ramifications of his career on his life and the fact that his career has become his life, as exemplified by the fact he has to call a work associate/enemy when he's in the hospital. Depressing, but addictive.
As for Nathan's identity crisis, the stage has been set for a big explosion. No idea how the writers will reconcile the fact that (spoiler alert) Nathan is dead and Sylar has had his memory erased and thinks he is Sylar. Where do you go with that????? So excited!
This excitement did not stretch throughout the 90 minute premiere, which had its definite lows. Hiro is off on another mission, which somehow has the potential to be more annoying than his quests in any other season. Parkman is still an insecure girl. Claire is still an annoying girl. Peter needs to stop being a girl. And what's the deal with the changing tattoos on her back girl????
The premiere included the introduction of new villains(?). At the very least they're misunderstood, but I'm willing to bet they'll be the impetus for the action this season.
Not sure whether I'll keep watching the show or not. "Heroes" is in dangerous territory, similar to Scrubs after Season 6. "Scrubs" had been my favorite show, but after a lackluster season 5 and a terrible season 6 I walked away from the show. Haven't been able to cut the cord with Heroes yet, but I won't stick around for anything less than heroic.
The two-part season premiere wasn't all bad. I enjoyed Suresh's absence, Noah's large role and the Sylar/Nathan identity crisis. I would add Parkman's internal dilemma to that list, but he does too much whining for my tastes.
For my money Noah is the star of the show with Sylar. They're polar opposites, with each possessing just a taste of the other's compassion/cruelty. Now Noah is dealing with the ramifications of his career on his life and the fact that his career has become his life, as exemplified by the fact he has to call a work associate/enemy when he's in the hospital. Depressing, but addictive.
As for Nathan's identity crisis, the stage has been set for a big explosion. No idea how the writers will reconcile the fact that (spoiler alert) Nathan is dead and Sylar has had his memory erased and thinks he is Sylar. Where do you go with that????? So excited!
This excitement did not stretch throughout the 90 minute premiere, which had its definite lows. Hiro is off on another mission, which somehow has the potential to be more annoying than his quests in any other season. Parkman is still an insecure girl. Claire is still an annoying girl. Peter needs to stop being a girl. And what's the deal with the changing tattoos on her back girl????
The premiere included the introduction of new villains(?). At the very least they're misunderstood, but I'm willing to bet they'll be the impetus for the action this season.
Not sure whether I'll keep watching the show or not. "Heroes" is in dangerous territory, similar to Scrubs after Season 6. "Scrubs" had been my favorite show, but after a lackluster season 5 and a terrible season 6 I walked away from the show. Haven't been able to cut the cord with Heroes yet, but I won't stick around for anything less than heroic.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
This Symbol should have stayed lost...
For whatever criticisms one might level against Dan Brown and his first four novels, it is hard to argue against the fact that his first four novels were page turners. They may not have been challenging or his own material, but they were definitely hard to put down.
Unfortunately that compliment can't be given to his latest work, "The Lost Symbol." In this attempt Brown has created a "Da Vinci Code"-lite. The twists are numerous, but are accompanied by road signs miles ahead that make them easy to anticipate. The clues are muddled and don't really pay off for the reader once they're solved. The characters are, for lack of a better word, boring.
For a book about my country and the capital i love, I was oddly detached from the whole affair. I wasn't particularly intrigued. In fact, my motivation to finish the last hundred pages was severely lacking and for a while i thought i might stall out and never finish.
I don't want to give too much away, so i won't give anything away.
Brown seems to have fallen into the same position as M. Night Shymalan (is that even close?). THey both follow the same formula, but lately they've been using different ingredients and it doesn't seem to work.
Brown needs to walk away from the Langdon character. He needs to allow himself the literary freedom to develop other characters and different scenarios. Pull a John Grisham and write about a house in the midwest. Sure it might suck. Sure I won't read it. But maybe you'll come back with more zest and a better energy.
The first three hundred pages of this book are entertaining. They don't grab you the way the other Langdon books do, but you're at least excited for the big bang.
Unfortunately, this book goes out with a whimper, which isn't a surprise because the rising action isn't that potent. If you love Brown's other books, you need to read this one just because. But don't say i didn't warn you.
Dan Brown,
Robert Langdon,
The Lost Symbol
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Dear Emmy Diary...
Here is a collection of some my more coherent (yup, the best of the best) thoughts from my viewing of the Emmy's. Enjoy...
• 1940s opening!
• Neil Patrick Harris is a good host. A couple quick notes; Singing yes. Standup no. Transitions awesome! Essentially he has served as more of a funny tour guide.
• Broken into genres?I like a good theme, but I also like it spread out. I guess the pros and cons negate each other.
• Definitely could have used more 30 Rock in my comedy overview
• “Am I the only one who wants to see Tina Fey and John Hamm together???”
• First award of the night is a surprise, at least to me.
• Ok, we get it, 30 Rock is good. It usually wins. It’s nominated a lot tonight. All these jokes make light of how good the writing really is.
• Julia Louis Dreyfus is possibly the hottest over 40 woman ever. No room for debate.
• First travesty of the night, Jon Cryer winning best supporting actor in a comedy. (Another surprise). “Is he dying of something” –Barb. I literally think everyone else deserved that award more than him.
• “Oh Christina Applegate … Tits McGee!” –Barb
• Sarah Silverman just stole the award show so far with her moustache. She made things even better her facial expressions and hand gestures. She’s so much funnier than her show.
• Nice dress Blake. Nice toga Leighton. Oh yeah, and nice boobs Blake. Really nice boobs.
• Am I the only one who is confused that Rob Lowe is still relevant?
• Everyone at EW picked Jim Parsons (Big Bang Theory) to win. I still haven’t seen that show, but apparently I need to start watching. I had previously picked Steve Carell, but after seeing Alec Baldwin’s clip I knew he was going to win.
• I think the Emmys are my favorite award show. It’s quick and I care about every award.
• I think it’s time they start giving acting awards for Reality shows. It’s not like anyone thinks these aren’t characters. They also should do best quote for this year, “whore pit vipers (Joan Rivers).”
• Probably could do without the whole dance number. For starters it was boring, but more importantly I’m confused as to why it’s relevant. Dancing with the stars? Maybe, except I don’t know any of these people. So You Think You Can Dance? Well yeah, they’re professional dancers. Or maybe it’s just a statement about all the dancing on television. Still, so what?
• I love Padma and Tom! Are they one person? It seems like it. Tomma? Padom?
• Tracy Morgan can’t read… He really is Tracy Jordan. His joke about 30 Rock being a reality show strikes a little too close to home for my tastes.
• I want to start smoking cigarettes right now so my voice will sound like a male version of Shohreh Aghdashloo.
• Kate Walsh is not wearing a good dress. The front is frumpy, flesh is escaping in certain places on the side and it fails to highlight her stunning frame.
• Tune in Friday to CBS for people who talk to dead people! I think that’s how CBS sets their lineup, since their viewers will soon be dead. They’re old, get it?
• It is a travesty that “Generation Kill” didn’t win for outstanding writing. David Simon and Ed Burns must not even mind getting screwed by the Emmy voters anymore. They probably like it by now.
• That is one hot lady accountant! The only thing that could possibly preempt her is Dr. Horrible! Nathan Fillion is hilarious! Except on ABC…
• And the award for longest and worst acceptance speech goes to Jessica Lange! I never thought I’d say this, but I kind of wish Drew Barrymore had won. She’s awful, but a little easier on the eyes at least.
• “That guy is smaller than me, and he’s beating up people.” –Dad, in response to Keifer Sutherland presenting and failing to live up to his larger than life Jack Bauer personality.
• Another chance for “Generation Kill!” I’m doubtful though. “Little Dorit,” which I’ve never heard of seems like the likely choice. And yup, I was right. So mad. Well not mad. Depressed.
• The Variety category is usually pretty fun. I especially like that Jay Leno is never a nominee.
• Never watching Big Bang Theory. I just don’t like these actors. Thought I’d like Jim Parsons, but eh. I don’t need him in my life. I already watch too much television.
• The reading of the nominees for writing in a variety show is always funny. This year’s nomination segment is no exception. The dig at Leno by Letterman was exceptionally funny. Wait a second, Jon Lutz, as in Lutz from 30 Rock is a writer on SNL?!?!? 30 Rock really is a reality show!
• Jimmy Fallon previously won an Emmy? Yikes. Why are celebrities laughing at him!??!?! I wonder if he already knows he’ll never get nominated as host of Late Nite?
• I hope to god Stephen Colbert, Mother Lover or Flight of the Concords wins for best song in a variety program. My brain tells me Hugh Jackman will win. Look, he did. Lame. At least they let a good looking version of Peter Jackson accept the award. But still…
• I think we’re running behind. Jessica Lange ruins everything!!!
• Ricky Gervais is hilarious. If you haven’t seen him on Extras you need to go out and rent it today. He’s a little harsh, but I like it. So awkward some times, but I like it.
• So the Daily Show won best Variety show. That makes sense, since they got to cover the election and thrived during it. Can’t wait to see Colbert’s reaction on his show.
• During commercials I’ve been cleaning up my Queue list on HULU. For the first time in my life I’m actually behind on my television watching, and that’s sad because it’s not like I’m doing anything. I don’t really have a job… I still need to get caught up on Glee, last season’s Parks and Recreations, Thursday’s SNL, Psych, the season premiere of Fringe and a handful of Tonight Show clips. That doesn’t include the episodes of Mad Men, Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Top Chef that I’ve got waiting for me on the cable DVR. I’ll watch House when it returns too. Oh yeah, and on HBO I watch Entourage (ughh, loyalty), with plans to watch Bored to Death and Curb. I watch The Office live. Lost when it returns. Reluctantly I turn in for 24. Oh yeah, and TRUE BLOOD!!! I’d recommend all these shows. Not sure if I’d recommend Community, yet. It was ok, but not great.
• Totally forgot about Battlestar Galactica! Great show. Fantastic show. Better than almost every other Drama they showed clips of. It will undoubtedly get screwed by the academy.
• Lost totally underwent a renaissance this year and it won’t get the recognition it deserves. I think that really says something about the quality of television this year. What’s weird though, is that shows like Boston Legal still get nominated. Not next year since it’s canceled.
• Michael Emerson from Lost won for Best Supporting Actor!!! Crazy. Didn’t see this coming, but I’m quite happy. His character Ben is one of the greatest characters on television ever. Ever. EVER.
• I don’t see LL Cool J or Chris O’Donnell showing up on the Emmy’s ever again. Unless they each get new pilots after NCIS: Los Angeles.
• Pretty angry that Cherry Jones won an Emmy for her work on 24. Am I the only one who doesn’t take this show seriously? It’s ridiculous, but takes itself way too seriously. The show is a joke. She was a joke on it. HAHAHHAHAA. I feel sick.
• Who is singing? Why is she singing? What’s going on? Ohhhhh… Dead people. This will be sad. Always interesting to see who gets the big ovations. Not always who you think. These are always so well done. Maybe not long enough if anything. Thought the song would be corny, but it ended up working really well. Not just for last dances at Proms anymore.
• Did they put the two vampires together on purpose? I hope so. Too bad Moyer didn’t get the memo about not dressing in costume.
• Wow. Mad Men won best writing. They only had an 80% chance. Didn’t see that coming. LOST got screwed! Much love to Mad men though.
• Oh my! In Mariska’s little clip for Best Actress I saw Jason from True Blood. That was exciting. Can’t wait until he gets nominated for his work on this season. Probably under the comedy genre though. So excited for True Blood to make the transition.
• “We go where there’s great writing.”-Glen Close. What an appropriate statement. Television is definitely the place to be right now. Movies are boring right now. Television is edgy. A lot of it still stinks, but the best of the best on television is better than the best of the best in cinema. Plus, there is more of the best of the best on television.
• Why did they show a clip from the Mentalist when mentioning Best Actor in a Drama??? That’s done to be ironic, right? Right???!?!?!?
• Wow! Back to back wins for Bryan Cranston for his role on Breaking Bad. Haven’t seen the second season yet, but the first was great. Not sure if he deserved to win again. Wish Sawyer from Lost had been nominated in this role. He didn’t deserve to win, but should have been nominated.
• Is AMC the new HBO? If they get more content I say yes.
• I think The Office deserves to win for Best Comedy. They had a really good year that was as good as season two. The show has remained fresh, funny and constantly gut wrenching. The Holly angle was good, Michael’s paper company was great and the episode after the Superbowl was simply amazing!!! After all that, though, I think 30 Rock is going to win. Oh yeah, and I can’t believe Family Guy was nominated. Simply a travesty. Just ridiculous. Not funny. Not relevant. Certainly not more worthy than the Simpsons during seasons 2-12.
• I would like to see TGS win an award. Really turn 30 Rock into a reality show. It could definitely win an Emmy in the variety category. I’m thinking Best Song by Jenna and Tracy (that’s Jane and Tracy respectively).
• Even Sigourney reiterates my thoughts about the golden era of television! I’d totally agree if it wasn’t for the nominations of HOUSE and Dexter.
• LOVE, Absolutely love, seeing Fred Armisen with the Mad Men crew. He’s engaged to Elisabeth Moss, who plays Peggy on the show. For a while I mistakenly believed he was engaged to January Jones, who plays the gorgeous Betty.
• The show ran only three minutes long. Not bad. Not a bad show. Relatively happy with the awards. Really happy considering how bummed I usually am and the fact I don’t have to go through the heartbreak of The Wire not winning anything (since it’s not on the air anymore).
• Ok. Time for bed.
• 1940s opening!
• Neil Patrick Harris is a good host. A couple quick notes; Singing yes. Standup no. Transitions awesome! Essentially he has served as more of a funny tour guide.
• Broken into genres?I like a good theme, but I also like it spread out. I guess the pros and cons negate each other.
• Definitely could have used more 30 Rock in my comedy overview
• “Am I the only one who wants to see Tina Fey and John Hamm together???”
• First award of the night is a surprise, at least to me.
• Ok, we get it, 30 Rock is good. It usually wins. It’s nominated a lot tonight. All these jokes make light of how good the writing really is.
• Julia Louis Dreyfus is possibly the hottest over 40 woman ever. No room for debate.
• First travesty of the night, Jon Cryer winning best supporting actor in a comedy. (Another surprise). “Is he dying of something” –Barb. I literally think everyone else deserved that award more than him.
• “Oh Christina Applegate … Tits McGee!” –Barb
• Sarah Silverman just stole the award show so far with her moustache. She made things even better her facial expressions and hand gestures. She’s so much funnier than her show.
• Nice dress Blake. Nice toga Leighton. Oh yeah, and nice boobs Blake. Really nice boobs.
• Am I the only one who is confused that Rob Lowe is still relevant?
• Everyone at EW picked Jim Parsons (Big Bang Theory) to win. I still haven’t seen that show, but apparently I need to start watching. I had previously picked Steve Carell, but after seeing Alec Baldwin’s clip I knew he was going to win.
• I think the Emmys are my favorite award show. It’s quick and I care about every award.
• I think it’s time they start giving acting awards for Reality shows. It’s not like anyone thinks these aren’t characters. They also should do best quote for this year, “whore pit vipers (Joan Rivers).”
• Probably could do without the whole dance number. For starters it was boring, but more importantly I’m confused as to why it’s relevant. Dancing with the stars? Maybe, except I don’t know any of these people. So You Think You Can Dance? Well yeah, they’re professional dancers. Or maybe it’s just a statement about all the dancing on television. Still, so what?
• I love Padma and Tom! Are they one person? It seems like it. Tomma? Padom?
• Tracy Morgan can’t read… He really is Tracy Jordan. His joke about 30 Rock being a reality show strikes a little too close to home for my tastes.
• I want to start smoking cigarettes right now so my voice will sound like a male version of Shohreh Aghdashloo.
• Kate Walsh is not wearing a good dress. The front is frumpy, flesh is escaping in certain places on the side and it fails to highlight her stunning frame.
• Tune in Friday to CBS for people who talk to dead people! I think that’s how CBS sets their lineup, since their viewers will soon be dead. They’re old, get it?
• It is a travesty that “Generation Kill” didn’t win for outstanding writing. David Simon and Ed Burns must not even mind getting screwed by the Emmy voters anymore. They probably like it by now.
• That is one hot lady accountant! The only thing that could possibly preempt her is Dr. Horrible! Nathan Fillion is hilarious! Except on ABC…
• And the award for longest and worst acceptance speech goes to Jessica Lange! I never thought I’d say this, but I kind of wish Drew Barrymore had won. She’s awful, but a little easier on the eyes at least.
• “That guy is smaller than me, and he’s beating up people.” –Dad, in response to Keifer Sutherland presenting and failing to live up to his larger than life Jack Bauer personality.
• Another chance for “Generation Kill!” I’m doubtful though. “Little Dorit,” which I’ve never heard of seems like the likely choice. And yup, I was right. So mad. Well not mad. Depressed.
• The Variety category is usually pretty fun. I especially like that Jay Leno is never a nominee.
• Never watching Big Bang Theory. I just don’t like these actors. Thought I’d like Jim Parsons, but eh. I don’t need him in my life. I already watch too much television.
• The reading of the nominees for writing in a variety show is always funny. This year’s nomination segment is no exception. The dig at Leno by Letterman was exceptionally funny. Wait a second, Jon Lutz, as in Lutz from 30 Rock is a writer on SNL?!?!? 30 Rock really is a reality show!
• Jimmy Fallon previously won an Emmy? Yikes. Why are celebrities laughing at him!??!?! I wonder if he already knows he’ll never get nominated as host of Late Nite?
• I hope to god Stephen Colbert, Mother Lover or Flight of the Concords wins for best song in a variety program. My brain tells me Hugh Jackman will win. Look, he did. Lame. At least they let a good looking version of Peter Jackson accept the award. But still…
• I think we’re running behind. Jessica Lange ruins everything!!!
• Ricky Gervais is hilarious. If you haven’t seen him on Extras you need to go out and rent it today. He’s a little harsh, but I like it. So awkward some times, but I like it.
• So the Daily Show won best Variety show. That makes sense, since they got to cover the election and thrived during it. Can’t wait to see Colbert’s reaction on his show.
• During commercials I’ve been cleaning up my Queue list on HULU. For the first time in my life I’m actually behind on my television watching, and that’s sad because it’s not like I’m doing anything. I don’t really have a job… I still need to get caught up on Glee, last season’s Parks and Recreations, Thursday’s SNL, Psych, the season premiere of Fringe and a handful of Tonight Show clips. That doesn’t include the episodes of Mad Men, Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Top Chef that I’ve got waiting for me on the cable DVR. I’ll watch House when it returns too. Oh yeah, and on HBO I watch Entourage (ughh, loyalty), with plans to watch Bored to Death and Curb. I watch The Office live. Lost when it returns. Reluctantly I turn in for 24. Oh yeah, and TRUE BLOOD!!! I’d recommend all these shows. Not sure if I’d recommend Community, yet. It was ok, but not great.
• Totally forgot about Battlestar Galactica! Great show. Fantastic show. Better than almost every other Drama they showed clips of. It will undoubtedly get screwed by the academy.
• Lost totally underwent a renaissance this year and it won’t get the recognition it deserves. I think that really says something about the quality of television this year. What’s weird though, is that shows like Boston Legal still get nominated. Not next year since it’s canceled.
• Michael Emerson from Lost won for Best Supporting Actor!!! Crazy. Didn’t see this coming, but I’m quite happy. His character Ben is one of the greatest characters on television ever. Ever. EVER.
• I don’t see LL Cool J or Chris O’Donnell showing up on the Emmy’s ever again. Unless they each get new pilots after NCIS: Los Angeles.
• Pretty angry that Cherry Jones won an Emmy for her work on 24. Am I the only one who doesn’t take this show seriously? It’s ridiculous, but takes itself way too seriously. The show is a joke. She was a joke on it. HAHAHHAHAA. I feel sick.
• Who is singing? Why is she singing? What’s going on? Ohhhhh… Dead people. This will be sad. Always interesting to see who gets the big ovations. Not always who you think. These are always so well done. Maybe not long enough if anything. Thought the song would be corny, but it ended up working really well. Not just for last dances at Proms anymore.
• Did they put the two vampires together on purpose? I hope so. Too bad Moyer didn’t get the memo about not dressing in costume.
• Wow. Mad Men won best writing. They only had an 80% chance. Didn’t see that coming. LOST got screwed! Much love to Mad men though.
• Oh my! In Mariska’s little clip for Best Actress I saw Jason from True Blood. That was exciting. Can’t wait until he gets nominated for his work on this season. Probably under the comedy genre though. So excited for True Blood to make the transition.
• “We go where there’s great writing.”-Glen Close. What an appropriate statement. Television is definitely the place to be right now. Movies are boring right now. Television is edgy. A lot of it still stinks, but the best of the best on television is better than the best of the best in cinema. Plus, there is more of the best of the best on television.
• Why did they show a clip from the Mentalist when mentioning Best Actor in a Drama??? That’s done to be ironic, right? Right???!?!?!?
• Wow! Back to back wins for Bryan Cranston for his role on Breaking Bad. Haven’t seen the second season yet, but the first was great. Not sure if he deserved to win again. Wish Sawyer from Lost had been nominated in this role. He didn’t deserve to win, but should have been nominated.
• Is AMC the new HBO? If they get more content I say yes.
• I think The Office deserves to win for Best Comedy. They had a really good year that was as good as season two. The show has remained fresh, funny and constantly gut wrenching. The Holly angle was good, Michael’s paper company was great and the episode after the Superbowl was simply amazing!!! After all that, though, I think 30 Rock is going to win. Oh yeah, and I can’t believe Family Guy was nominated. Simply a travesty. Just ridiculous. Not funny. Not relevant. Certainly not more worthy than the Simpsons during seasons 2-12.
• I would like to see TGS win an award. Really turn 30 Rock into a reality show. It could definitely win an Emmy in the variety category. I’m thinking Best Song by Jenna and Tracy (that’s Jane and Tracy respectively).
• Even Sigourney reiterates my thoughts about the golden era of television! I’d totally agree if it wasn’t for the nominations of HOUSE and Dexter.
• LOVE, Absolutely love, seeing Fred Armisen with the Mad Men crew. He’s engaged to Elisabeth Moss, who plays Peggy on the show. For a while I mistakenly believed he was engaged to January Jones, who plays the gorgeous Betty.
• The show ran only three minutes long. Not bad. Not a bad show. Relatively happy with the awards. Really happy considering how bummed I usually am and the fact I don’t have to go through the heartbreak of The Wire not winning anything (since it’s not on the air anymore).
• Ok. Time for bed.
30 Rock,
Generation Kill,
Mad Men,
Neil Patrick Harris,
The Office,
The Wire
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Leno should go the way of the Dodo
So Jay Leno opened last night at a new time slot (10 pm) with his revamped approach to television (jay running?). Going into the premiere I was pessimistic at best. I’ve never been appreciative of Leno’s comedic styling in the past. I didn’t start watching The Tonight Show until Conan took over.
Leno was boring. Too broad for my tastes. There is obviously a very funny man buried beneath that outer shell that ensures his mass appeal, but at this point it is buried very very very deep.
It was with this pessimistic outlook that I entered into Monday night. Here are my disjointed and discombobulated thoughts on the evening.
Jay is still shaking Hands
At first glance this is the exact same show with a different packaging. The Tonight Show band has been renamed, the format seems the same, and Jay still comes sauntering out to the crowd before delivering his monologue.
The only visible difference is the set. Having never lived through the 1980s I can now say I’ve at least scene a set from the era. This is quite possibly the lamest design I’ve ever seen. The odd lighting and random potted plants make it seem like a grow house for Jay. Even my mom thought the opening was lame, and well, she’s pretty lame.
The lack of couch and desk is particularly appalling. The two chairs are obviously meant to be hip, but watching Jay leno and Jerry Seinfeld dish in matching arm chairs is as hip and current as a sex affair with Gennifer Flowers. I feel bad bashing Seinfeld, because he’s always hilarious and I’m a huge fan, but he’s not exactly the most relevant star to have on your opening night. Even the topic of conversation revolved around the fact Jay won’t go away, and while it was in jest, I felt it was a little too close to home.
As far as the product, I was not amused by the monologue. It was, to borrow a phrase from my opening, boring. I’m sure grandparents in Florida and average Americans in the flyover states were titillated by this experience. I have to say I enjoyed his cialis joke. But most of the opening could have used its own artificial lift, because it basically fell flat.
Speaking of penis jokes, there were two references to erectile dysfunction drugs. Nothing to really elaborate on, except that I spend all day making penis jokes and still don’t have my own show.
Turn Around Bright Eyes (Todd Philips fans will get this)
So in Old School, Starsky and Hutch, and most recently in The Hangover, you might have noticed a very inappropriate band. These guys appear in a lot of Todd Philips movies and steal any scene they’re in. Leno, we’re meant to believe, saw the lead singer doing stand up this summer, while he was on the road, and decided to have him on.
I was hesitant at first to believe Jay would let Dan (something) fly free with his sense of humor. I’m telling you, his movie cameos are pretty raunchy. I know Jay likes to make sexual allusions, but Dan is crude, rude and leaves nothing to the imagination.
That’s why I was really happy with the way the segment played out. It didn’t pull any punches, was funny and genuine. Basically I endorse any idea that results in less time for Jay…
Random Thought: Probably not a good sign when you’re ecstatic by the progress line on your DVR when you’re fast forwarding during commercials. Almost done…
Funny, but Eh…
So Leno’s “interview” with Obama was amusing. He was current, somewhat edgy and actually made me chuckle at one point. It dragged on, though, and Leno became his normal crowd pleasing self. That may sound like a good thing, but trust me it is not. There’s no reason why everything should appeal to the lowest common denominator in society. Maybe GE can sell more ovens and refrigerators this way, but don’t people care about the product?
There’s a reason why Conan and Dave win Emmy awards and Leno just wins ratings.
The OFFICE is Coming!!!!
This doesn’t really have to do with Leno, except that I saw the advertisement during this wasted hour I’ll never get back. Anyway, The Office premiere is this Thursday! Set your DVRS, clear your calendar and watch!!! This is one of the two best comedies on television and you need to watch it.
Kanye step away from the limelight!!
Surprise interview with Kanye West! What was most surprising was Kanye’s reaction to Jay’s question about his mom. Who knew he would cry? I did.
This was obviously a ploy by Kanye West to fix his image in the aftermath of his mistake at the VMAs on Sunday. I wonder if Jay feels dirty for taking advantage of all this…
At least I get a kick ass performance out of this night. I really like this song. Jay-Z could collaborate with a shoe and a box of crackers and I’d love it.
Skipping Headlines
I’m going to fast forward through the final segment. My mom saw it live and said it wasn’t that funny. You can trust her, because she usually likes it.
As she puts it, “It’s Typo land!”
It turns out people send these headlines into him??? He doesn’t even scour the papers himself? Lame.
Final Thoughts
Never watching this again. Never attempting to watch it again. Hope people don’t talk to me about it again.
Didn’t like Jay at 11:30. Don’t like Jay at 10:00. The only slot I like Jay is between “I” and “K.” Zing!
Your thoughts?
Leno was boring. Too broad for my tastes. There is obviously a very funny man buried beneath that outer shell that ensures his mass appeal, but at this point it is buried very very very deep.
It was with this pessimistic outlook that I entered into Monday night. Here are my disjointed and discombobulated thoughts on the evening.
Jay is still shaking Hands
At first glance this is the exact same show with a different packaging. The Tonight Show band has been renamed, the format seems the same, and Jay still comes sauntering out to the crowd before delivering his monologue.
The only visible difference is the set. Having never lived through the 1980s I can now say I’ve at least scene a set from the era. This is quite possibly the lamest design I’ve ever seen. The odd lighting and random potted plants make it seem like a grow house for Jay. Even my mom thought the opening was lame, and well, she’s pretty lame.
The lack of couch and desk is particularly appalling. The two chairs are obviously meant to be hip, but watching Jay leno and Jerry Seinfeld dish in matching arm chairs is as hip and current as a sex affair with Gennifer Flowers. I feel bad bashing Seinfeld, because he’s always hilarious and I’m a huge fan, but he’s not exactly the most relevant star to have on your opening night. Even the topic of conversation revolved around the fact Jay won’t go away, and while it was in jest, I felt it was a little too close to home.
As far as the product, I was not amused by the monologue. It was, to borrow a phrase from my opening, boring. I’m sure grandparents in Florida and average Americans in the flyover states were titillated by this experience. I have to say I enjoyed his cialis joke. But most of the opening could have used its own artificial lift, because it basically fell flat.
Speaking of penis jokes, there were two references to erectile dysfunction drugs. Nothing to really elaborate on, except that I spend all day making penis jokes and still don’t have my own show.
Turn Around Bright Eyes (Todd Philips fans will get this)
So in Old School, Starsky and Hutch, and most recently in The Hangover, you might have noticed a very inappropriate band. These guys appear in a lot of Todd Philips movies and steal any scene they’re in. Leno, we’re meant to believe, saw the lead singer doing stand up this summer, while he was on the road, and decided to have him on.
I was hesitant at first to believe Jay would let Dan (something) fly free with his sense of humor. I’m telling you, his movie cameos are pretty raunchy. I know Jay likes to make sexual allusions, but Dan is crude, rude and leaves nothing to the imagination.
That’s why I was really happy with the way the segment played out. It didn’t pull any punches, was funny and genuine. Basically I endorse any idea that results in less time for Jay…
Random Thought: Probably not a good sign when you’re ecstatic by the progress line on your DVR when you’re fast forwarding during commercials. Almost done…
Funny, but Eh…
So Leno’s “interview” with Obama was amusing. He was current, somewhat edgy and actually made me chuckle at one point. It dragged on, though, and Leno became his normal crowd pleasing self. That may sound like a good thing, but trust me it is not. There’s no reason why everything should appeal to the lowest common denominator in society. Maybe GE can sell more ovens and refrigerators this way, but don’t people care about the product?
There’s a reason why Conan and Dave win Emmy awards and Leno just wins ratings.
The OFFICE is Coming!!!!
This doesn’t really have to do with Leno, except that I saw the advertisement during this wasted hour I’ll never get back. Anyway, The Office premiere is this Thursday! Set your DVRS, clear your calendar and watch!!! This is one of the two best comedies on television and you need to watch it.
Kanye step away from the limelight!!
Surprise interview with Kanye West! What was most surprising was Kanye’s reaction to Jay’s question about his mom. Who knew he would cry? I did.
This was obviously a ploy by Kanye West to fix his image in the aftermath of his mistake at the VMAs on Sunday. I wonder if Jay feels dirty for taking advantage of all this…
At least I get a kick ass performance out of this night. I really like this song. Jay-Z could collaborate with a shoe and a box of crackers and I’d love it.
Skipping Headlines
I’m going to fast forward through the final segment. My mom saw it live and said it wasn’t that funny. You can trust her, because she usually likes it.
As she puts it, “It’s Typo land!”
It turns out people send these headlines into him??? He doesn’t even scour the papers himself? Lame.
Final Thoughts
Never watching this again. Never attempting to watch it again. Hope people don’t talk to me about it again.
Didn’t like Jay at 11:30. Don’t like Jay at 10:00. The only slot I like Jay is between “I” and “K.” Zing!
Your thoughts?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Heidi is a b*%@h
So I should preface this post by saying I've never watched Project Runway before. Still haven't seen more than 5 minutes.
But during the 4 minutes I did see, I realized that Heidi Klum is kind of mean.
Her tone. Her words. Her demeanor. They were all just very chilling, condescending and downright catty.
Is this just me? Are there big Heidi fans out there? Let me know
Monday, September 7, 2009
General in the Kitchen
(Editor’s note: This is really just Dave, as I’m my own editor, which is to say no one edits the content or grammar of what I post. Anyway, sorry this is so late coming for all you die hard fans)
So they totally sexualize Jennifer. In the opening she is definitely playing up her sultry appeal.
I find this fascinating because typically Top Chef is very unsexy. I mean let’s face it, chefs are not traditionally beautiful people. I’ve been calling half the guys hobits this season. For every Fabio there is a Stefan and five hobits. Although, Bryan and Michael are hot. Jen is good looking. Laurine is mom attractive at 38.
Not wild about Padma’s outfit for the quickfire. I feel like it was designed for convenience, if she was breast feeding. I’m confident there will be a nipple slip if she has to lean over to taste soup.
Surprise surprise, the fat girl likes potatoes. Are there any other carbs she likes?
Apparently Ron Duprat, the Haitian is a fan favorite. I’m not currently of this mindset, as I find him boring and don’t care for his story. He’s too nice. He’s a one trick pony and I don’t like horses.
Are the Chefs allowed to bash the products they’re using? One chef is having problems with the ice cream maker and I want him to yell “F*%k General Electric!”
Jen is totally kicking ass and taking names. I like that the Italian stereotype already resents her. She’s definitely a force to be reckoned with, but I think Ashley really showed me something in this quickfire. I wouldn’t sleep on her (and not just because I’m far from her ideal bed company). I really hope Ashley freaks out about the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell policy.”
You can tell right now who will be around at the end. Ron and Ashley won’t last much longer. The red headed cougar will be extinct soon. Also, relatively hot Mom Laurine can’t coast by forever. Michael can’t be long for this world either. He’s uber confident and seems pretty good, but he feels more like a Hell’s Kitchen candidate. So loud. So overconfident. So would be bait for Gordon.
“Troops love chowder.” Ron is so wise.
I still advocate for additional Top Chef footage airing on different days. The web exclusive footage is good, but there isn’t enough and it’s hard to find. It’s not like BRAVO couldn’t preempt a Real Housewives rerun for some new original content.
Tom is a straight shooter. Some might say he’s an ass, but that’s just a hat he wears sometimes. Padma on the other hand relishes her opportunity to be an ass. At judge’s table tonight they each showed their true colors. Padma really enjoyed beating them down. Tom simply seemed flabbergasted. Padma did make a great comment about how two contestants were just coasting by and not trying to win. That would totally be my strategy on a reality show. Gather a strong following until I could get my own show.
Gail also pointed out the competition aspect. Wasn’t really paying attention though, since I just stare at her and zone out. I acknowledge that Padma is the better looking of the two, but I find Gail entrancing. UGHHH.
Preethi, I think that’s it, made a good comment about this year’s cast. They definitely seem like the best, if not top tiered. Was not moved by her excuses, though, as her new found desire to please the customers seemed disingenuous.
Looks like a quickfire loser will be getting sent home next week. Not crazy about that. You can’t throw people off that randomly this late into the game. It’s not like Paris Hilton’s search for a new bff…
So they totally sexualize Jennifer. In the opening she is definitely playing up her sultry appeal.
I find this fascinating because typically Top Chef is very unsexy. I mean let’s face it, chefs are not traditionally beautiful people. I’ve been calling half the guys hobits this season. For every Fabio there is a Stefan and five hobits. Although, Bryan and Michael are hot. Jen is good looking. Laurine is mom attractive at 38.
Not wild about Padma’s outfit for the quickfire. I feel like it was designed for convenience, if she was breast feeding. I’m confident there will be a nipple slip if she has to lean over to taste soup.
Surprise surprise, the fat girl likes potatoes. Are there any other carbs she likes?
Apparently Ron Duprat, the Haitian is a fan favorite. I’m not currently of this mindset, as I find him boring and don’t care for his story. He’s too nice. He’s a one trick pony and I don’t like horses.
Are the Chefs allowed to bash the products they’re using? One chef is having problems with the ice cream maker and I want him to yell “F*%k General Electric!”
Jen is totally kicking ass and taking names. I like that the Italian stereotype already resents her. She’s definitely a force to be reckoned with, but I think Ashley really showed me something in this quickfire. I wouldn’t sleep on her (and not just because I’m far from her ideal bed company). I really hope Ashley freaks out about the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell policy.”
You can tell right now who will be around at the end. Ron and Ashley won’t last much longer. The red headed cougar will be extinct soon. Also, relatively hot Mom Laurine can’t coast by forever. Michael can’t be long for this world either. He’s uber confident and seems pretty good, but he feels more like a Hell’s Kitchen candidate. So loud. So overconfident. So would be bait for Gordon.
“Troops love chowder.” Ron is so wise.
I still advocate for additional Top Chef footage airing on different days. The web exclusive footage is good, but there isn’t enough and it’s hard to find. It’s not like BRAVO couldn’t preempt a Real Housewives rerun for some new original content.
Tom is a straight shooter. Some might say he’s an ass, but that’s just a hat he wears sometimes. Padma on the other hand relishes her opportunity to be an ass. At judge’s table tonight they each showed their true colors. Padma really enjoyed beating them down. Tom simply seemed flabbergasted. Padma did make a great comment about how two contestants were just coasting by and not trying to win. That would totally be my strategy on a reality show. Gather a strong following until I could get my own show.
Gail also pointed out the competition aspect. Wasn’t really paying attention though, since I just stare at her and zone out. I acknowledge that Padma is the better looking of the two, but I find Gail entrancing. UGHHH.
Preethi, I think that’s it, made a good comment about this year’s cast. They definitely seem like the best, if not top tiered. Was not moved by her excuses, though, as her new found desire to please the customers seemed disingenuous.
Looks like a quickfire loser will be getting sent home next week. Not crazy about that. You can’t throw people off that randomly this late into the game. It’s not like Paris Hilton’s search for a new bff…
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Bleeding Out
This is the recap from the second to last episode of True Blood season two. Basically everything in the town is about to explode and Bill has gone off to find the one person who can bring order to everything, the Vampire Queen.
So the forgotten cousin Hadley was mentioned in the previously on True Blood segment. Wonder whether she’ll be in this episode… Kidding, she’ll obviously be on. Don’t really like how they gave that away. Hope there are juicy details at least. I thought Gran was supposed to be back for a flashback or something this season, and maybe this could be it or the finale when we learn more about Sookie’s powers.
“There’s no such thing as bad, or time for that matter.” -Vampire Queen
So Evan Rachel Wood seems in her element playing the Vampire Queen. Not blown away by her debut on the show, as it seemed a little corny and over the top. Something seemed a little off, but I’m sure it will pay off as this episode develops. I know this paragraph seems contradictory, and it probably is, but that’s how I feel. Conflicted. Her reveal, though, was unquestionably entertaining, as she emerged from the crotch of a willing donor. Hot.
The dynamic between Bill and the Vampire Queen is wild. She obviously digs him, but I can’t tell the extent of it or where it stems from. She pretends to resent certain aspects of his personality, yet I think she finds him mysterious and beyond her comprehension.
The one thing that disappoints me about the Queen is her lame references. Her dialogue is both interesting and canned at the same time. This speaks to my earlier concerns, which cemented themselves throughout the show. Although, I’m convinced that Alan Ball wanted it to be like this. I don’t know why, but I’ve learned never to doubt him and to reserve judgment. Based on the previews for the next episode, and the deal she strikes with Eric I think it’s obvious that the queen is a conniving Machiavelli who just puts up a front that hides her real nature.
“She’s my momma, she gets to!”-Hoyt
So apparently Hoyt’s mom may be able to drive a stake (get it) between Hoyt and Jessica. His reaction to Jessica’s attempt to murder (an apt description) his mom isn’t surprising, except that he had been coming into his own and it is too bad to see him fall back like this. I still have hope for the best couple on tv! Although, I do wonder what a pissed off Jessica is capable of. Probably crazy things…
I worry about Hoyt, in terms of his feelings for Jessica and how he’ll handle being apart, but more in regards to the revelations about his dad. I think he’ll see a lot of his father’s shortcoming in himself and I wonder what it will inspire him to do. He needs Jessica right now more than ever.
“These are fur.” -Sookie
Not sure why Tara thinks she can rescue Eggs. What in her history makes her believe she can stop Marianne. (Side note: I spell the names however I want). This storyline is unbelievably annoying. Not sure if it’s because I hate Tara, or because I really hate Tara and Eggs together even more.
Tara is so dramatic. She needs to calm down. This whole intervention is annoying as heck. They payoff, with Marianne explaining how Tara brought her on was sort of rewarding, except I didn’t totally understand what happened. It seems like she’s looking for a vessel or something…
Tara’s mom’s actions make almost no sense to me. She wants to win her daughter back, but by sending her off to certain death… I think someone is drinking again.
“Sometimes you need to destroy something to save it. That’s in the bible, or the constitution.” -Jason
Jason and Andy started hitting their stride last week, but now they’ve cemented themselves as the premiere duo on television. Now more than ever am I dedicated to the idea of a spin off. Maybe they can open a detective agency or something. At the very least they should pop up on other HBO shows.
“Dude, do not cock block me.”-Jason (I just enjoy this one)
I like that Andy tries to offer himself as the voice of reason. Post-drunk Andy is just as fun as Drunk-Andy. I’d go so far as to say he’s a more entertaining character, since he can stand up and what not. This has been a PSA from Dave Lombardo and Andy. Drinking can be bad, sometimes, but not really.
I really enjoy the comedic nature of True Blood. It feels eerily similar to Shaun of the Dead, which offers a similar twist on preconceived notions about horror stories. Jason’s musings on Sam’s ability are top-notch comedy, which is only matched by Andy’s dry responses that also kill me.
Jason’s resentment for Sam is a little startling. I guess it makes sense in light of his experience with the fellowship. There he was supposed to be a leader, except he was just a pawn. No he has a chance to redeem himself as a leader and Sam seems to be cutting him off at the legs. Still, though, Jason is completely retarded, as evident by his belief that “the time for thinking is over.”
“I’m getting a new phone as soon as Eric pays me.” –Sookie
I’ve always defended this show as something more than a vampire show. The aforementioned quote is the closest thing to reality in a lot of these recent episodes. I’ve commented on this before and I worry how it will affect the show’s appeal.
Whitney, who I started watching season one with recently, says she likes the setting for the show and finds that reason enough to watch. She essentially like the idea that vampires are prevalent in the deep south. I guess she could be hooked by season one, which we’re almost halfway done with, and then by season two be willing to follow the story elsewhere.
“Don’t You Know Any Other Vampires?”-Colby
I really like Sam’s dynamic with the kids. His talk with Arlene’s children about their real dad is hilarious. It demonstrates how uncomfortable he is, but how hard he’s trying at the same time. The kids seem much more worldly than Sam, who is just so pure and genteel that I sometimes worry about him. Those same characteristics made me resent him for most of season one, yet now come off as endearing.
Sam’s pseudo parenting is topped only by his back-and-forth with Eric and the other vampires in general. Sam is such a better character than he was in season one, when I was convinced he was a whiny biatch that I would constantly root against. Now that he has come into his own I’ve got more respect for him.
“He can fly!”-Colby
So yeah, Eric can fly. That was pretty intense. Although I guess it would make sense, as Bill has alluded to the fact that there are Vampires with additional powers.
I like that Eric is motivated solely by his desire to impress Sookie, since I doubt he really fell for Sam’s moving speech. Bill’s assessment of Eric and his intentions was pretty poignant, except when it was topped by Eric’s contention that Bill was guilty of the same trickery, regarding the second episode when Sookie feeds on Bill. This feud looks like it will come to a boiling point in the finale, and while it might not explode, it will at least remain simmering during season three as Sookie will opt between Eric and Bill. A little corny for my tastes, but oh well.
His interest in the children was amusing, especially his tea-cup description of them.
Other Comments
Rest In peace Carl. Not sure how broken up Marianne is since she’s already looking to Lafayette as a possible replacement.
There is no way Bill will tell Sookie about Hadley in the finale. I feel like it cold come up next season and possibly cause some issues. Bill has already promised not to hide stuff from her, so this could lead to him breaking his promise and causing tension in the relationship.
Not sure what I’ll do to get ready for the season two finale, but it looks like I’m going to try to rewatch every episode before that…
Oh yeah, it’s obvious that Bill wants to sacrifice Sam, right?
So the forgotten cousin Hadley was mentioned in the previously on True Blood segment. Wonder whether she’ll be in this episode… Kidding, she’ll obviously be on. Don’t really like how they gave that away. Hope there are juicy details at least. I thought Gran was supposed to be back for a flashback or something this season, and maybe this could be it or the finale when we learn more about Sookie’s powers.
“There’s no such thing as bad, or time for that matter.” -Vampire Queen
So Evan Rachel Wood seems in her element playing the Vampire Queen. Not blown away by her debut on the show, as it seemed a little corny and over the top. Something seemed a little off, but I’m sure it will pay off as this episode develops. I know this paragraph seems contradictory, and it probably is, but that’s how I feel. Conflicted. Her reveal, though, was unquestionably entertaining, as she emerged from the crotch of a willing donor. Hot.
The dynamic between Bill and the Vampire Queen is wild. She obviously digs him, but I can’t tell the extent of it or where it stems from. She pretends to resent certain aspects of his personality, yet I think she finds him mysterious and beyond her comprehension.
The one thing that disappoints me about the Queen is her lame references. Her dialogue is both interesting and canned at the same time. This speaks to my earlier concerns, which cemented themselves throughout the show. Although, I’m convinced that Alan Ball wanted it to be like this. I don’t know why, but I’ve learned never to doubt him and to reserve judgment. Based on the previews for the next episode, and the deal she strikes with Eric I think it’s obvious that the queen is a conniving Machiavelli who just puts up a front that hides her real nature.
“She’s my momma, she gets to!”-Hoyt
So apparently Hoyt’s mom may be able to drive a stake (get it) between Hoyt and Jessica. His reaction to Jessica’s attempt to murder (an apt description) his mom isn’t surprising, except that he had been coming into his own and it is too bad to see him fall back like this. I still have hope for the best couple on tv! Although, I do wonder what a pissed off Jessica is capable of. Probably crazy things…
I worry about Hoyt, in terms of his feelings for Jessica and how he’ll handle being apart, but more in regards to the revelations about his dad. I think he’ll see a lot of his father’s shortcoming in himself and I wonder what it will inspire him to do. He needs Jessica right now more than ever.
“These are fur.” -Sookie
Not sure why Tara thinks she can rescue Eggs. What in her history makes her believe she can stop Marianne. (Side note: I spell the names however I want). This storyline is unbelievably annoying. Not sure if it’s because I hate Tara, or because I really hate Tara and Eggs together even more.
Tara is so dramatic. She needs to calm down. This whole intervention is annoying as heck. They payoff, with Marianne explaining how Tara brought her on was sort of rewarding, except I didn’t totally understand what happened. It seems like she’s looking for a vessel or something…
Tara’s mom’s actions make almost no sense to me. She wants to win her daughter back, but by sending her off to certain death… I think someone is drinking again.
“Sometimes you need to destroy something to save it. That’s in the bible, or the constitution.” -Jason
Jason and Andy started hitting their stride last week, but now they’ve cemented themselves as the premiere duo on television. Now more than ever am I dedicated to the idea of a spin off. Maybe they can open a detective agency or something. At the very least they should pop up on other HBO shows.
“Dude, do not cock block me.”-Jason (I just enjoy this one)
I like that Andy tries to offer himself as the voice of reason. Post-drunk Andy is just as fun as Drunk-Andy. I’d go so far as to say he’s a more entertaining character, since he can stand up and what not. This has been a PSA from Dave Lombardo and Andy. Drinking can be bad, sometimes, but not really.
I really enjoy the comedic nature of True Blood. It feels eerily similar to Shaun of the Dead, which offers a similar twist on preconceived notions about horror stories. Jason’s musings on Sam’s ability are top-notch comedy, which is only matched by Andy’s dry responses that also kill me.
Jason’s resentment for Sam is a little startling. I guess it makes sense in light of his experience with the fellowship. There he was supposed to be a leader, except he was just a pawn. No he has a chance to redeem himself as a leader and Sam seems to be cutting him off at the legs. Still, though, Jason is completely retarded, as evident by his belief that “the time for thinking is over.”
“I’m getting a new phone as soon as Eric pays me.” –Sookie
I’ve always defended this show as something more than a vampire show. The aforementioned quote is the closest thing to reality in a lot of these recent episodes. I’ve commented on this before and I worry how it will affect the show’s appeal.
Whitney, who I started watching season one with recently, says she likes the setting for the show and finds that reason enough to watch. She essentially like the idea that vampires are prevalent in the deep south. I guess she could be hooked by season one, which we’re almost halfway done with, and then by season two be willing to follow the story elsewhere.
“Don’t You Know Any Other Vampires?”-Colby
I really like Sam’s dynamic with the kids. His talk with Arlene’s children about their real dad is hilarious. It demonstrates how uncomfortable he is, but how hard he’s trying at the same time. The kids seem much more worldly than Sam, who is just so pure and genteel that I sometimes worry about him. Those same characteristics made me resent him for most of season one, yet now come off as endearing.
Sam’s pseudo parenting is topped only by his back-and-forth with Eric and the other vampires in general. Sam is such a better character than he was in season one, when I was convinced he was a whiny biatch that I would constantly root against. Now that he has come into his own I’ve got more respect for him.
“He can fly!”-Colby
So yeah, Eric can fly. That was pretty intense. Although I guess it would make sense, as Bill has alluded to the fact that there are Vampires with additional powers.
I like that Eric is motivated solely by his desire to impress Sookie, since I doubt he really fell for Sam’s moving speech. Bill’s assessment of Eric and his intentions was pretty poignant, except when it was topped by Eric’s contention that Bill was guilty of the same trickery, regarding the second episode when Sookie feeds on Bill. This feud looks like it will come to a boiling point in the finale, and while it might not explode, it will at least remain simmering during season three as Sookie will opt between Eric and Bill. A little corny for my tastes, but oh well.
His interest in the children was amusing, especially his tea-cup description of them.
Other Comments
Rest In peace Carl. Not sure how broken up Marianne is since she’s already looking to Lafayette as a possible replacement.
There is no way Bill will tell Sookie about Hadley in the finale. I feel like it cold come up next season and possibly cause some issues. Bill has already promised not to hide stuff from her, so this could lead to him breaking his promise and causing tension in the relationship.
Not sure what I’ll do to get ready for the season two finale, but it looks like I’m going to try to rewatch every episode before that…
Oh yeah, it’s obvious that Bill wants to sacrifice Sam, right?
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