The two-part season premiere wasn't all bad. I enjoyed Suresh's absence, Noah's large role and the Sylar/Nathan identity crisis. I would add Parkman's internal dilemma to that list, but he does too much whining for my tastes.
As for Nathan's identity crisis, the stage has been set for a big explosion. No idea how the writers will reconcile the fact that (spoiler alert) Nathan is dead and Sylar has had his memory erased and thinks he is Sylar. Where do you go with that????? So excited!
This excitement did not stretch throughout the 90 minute premiere, which had its definite lows. Hiro is off on another mission, which somehow has the potential to be more annoying than his quests in any other season. Parkman is still an insecure girl. Claire is still an annoying girl. Peter needs to stop being a girl. And what's the deal with the changing tattoos on her back girl????
The premiere included the introduction of new villains(?). At the very least they're misunderstood, but I'm willing to bet they'll be the impetus for the action this season.
Not sure whether I'll keep watching the show or not. "Heroes" is in dangerous territory, similar to Scrubs after Season 6. "Scrubs" had been my favorite show, but after a lackluster season 5 and a terrible season 6 I walked away from the show. Haven't been able to cut the cord with Heroes yet, but I won't stick around for anything less than heroic.
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