So they totally sexualize Jennifer. In the opening she is definitely playing up her sultry appeal.
I find this fascinating because typically Top Chef is very unsexy. I mean let’s face it, chefs are not traditionally beautiful people. I’ve been calling half the guys hobits this season. For every Fabio there is a Stefan and five hobits. Although, Bryan and Michael are hot. Jen is good looking. Laurine is mom attractive at 38.
Not wild about Padma’s outfit for the quickfire. I feel like it was designed for convenience, if she was breast feeding. I’m confident there will be a nipple slip if she has to lean over to taste soup.
Surprise surprise, the fat girl likes potatoes. Are there any other carbs she likes?
Apparently Ron Duprat, the Haitian is a fan favorite. I’m not currently of this mindset, as I find him boring and don’t care for his story. He’s too nice. He’s a one trick pony and I don’t like horses.
Are the Chefs allowed to bash the products they’re using? One chef is having problems with the ice cream maker and I want him to yell “F*%k General Electric!”
Jen is totally kicking ass and taking names. I like that the Italian stereotype already resents her. She’s definitely a force to be reckoned with, but I think Ashley really showed me something in this quickfire. I wouldn’t sleep on her (and not just because I’m far from her ideal bed company). I really hope Ashley freaks out about the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell policy.”
You can tell right now who will be around at the end. Ron and Ashley won’t last much longer. The red headed cougar will be extinct soon. Also, relatively hot Mom Laurine can’t coast by forever. Michael can’t be long for this world either. He’s uber confident and seems pretty good, but he feels more like a Hell’s Kitchen candidate. So loud. So overconfident. So would be bait for Gordon.
“Troops love chowder.” Ron is so wise.
I still advocate for additional Top Chef footage airing on different days. The web exclusive footage is good, but there isn’t enough and it’s hard to find. It’s not like BRAVO couldn’t preempt a Real Housewives rerun for some new original content.
Tom is a straight shooter. Some might say he’s an ass, but that’s just a hat he wears sometimes. Padma on the other hand relishes her opportunity to be an ass. At judge’s table tonight they each showed their true colors. Padma really enjoyed beating them down. Tom simply seemed flabbergasted. Padma did make a great comment about how two contestants were just coasting by and not trying to win. That would totally be my strategy on a reality show. Gather a strong following until I could get my own show.
Gail also pointed out the competition aspect. Wasn’t really paying attention though, since I just stare at her and zone out. I acknowledge that Padma is the better looking of the two, but I find Gail entrancing. UGHHH.
Preethi, I think that’s it, made a good comment about this year’s cast. They definitely seem like the best, if not top tiered. Was not moved by her excuses, though, as her new found desire to please the customers seemed disingenuous.
Looks like a quickfire loser will be getting sent home next week. Not crazy about that. You can’t throw people off that randomly this late into the game. It’s not like Paris Hilton’s search for a new bff…
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