Thursday, October 29, 2009

Natalie Portman in the kitchen

Ok Robin, you’ve had a good run, but it’s time to say goodbye. You will not slip through to another episode. This Sanjaya experience has gone on long enough.
• I like how every episode begins with a talking head from Robin, just so we remember that she’s still around.
• Barb: “I didn’t know tv guide was still around.” She also thinks Sopranos is a good knife. She’s probably right. I think Seinfeld will be problematic.
• Of course Robin didn’t watch television. If she had, maybe she’d have learned some social skills the way everyone else does.
Mike I has never seen SEINFELD!!! OHY MY GOD. What bubble did he live in? Was he so far up his own ass he never watched the most popular show of all time? No wonder his sense of humor is so skewed. He should have made risotto, a mackinaw peach on the side, some mullogatani and a Snapple to drink. Seinfeld fans should know all of those references.
• Bryan V is a genius. The concept of his dish was spot on. Plus he got an erotic noise from Padma.
• I love that Jen embraces her terrible performances. She is on such a cold streak that she could go home. I hope this is not the case.
• Of course Robin doesn’t eat steak. Probably hates America. Her sayings warrant an amazing drink game, except that I’m watching it with my mom.

After seeing the kitchen I think I need to change my underwear, but wait, it gets better because of Natalie Portman! Right before I can really enjoy the moment, though, she drops the bomb on me and says she’s a vegetarian. Blue balls? Blue balls anyone?
• I once made a frozen chicken pizza for a pseudo vegetarian (she eats fish). She revealed her proclivity to me after I had already made it. Quick solution, just pick the chicken off and eat it yourself so she doesn’t notice. Somehow she still tasted some meat…
• So eggplant, mushrooms or tofu? Not sure what other main substitutes you can throw in there.
• “I lose, Eli wins.” I love you Jen. She keeps climbing over the entire kitchen.
• Mike I’s mom was a vegan? Explains why he never watched SEINFELD.
• Wow, Eli has nailed his standing on the show. Right in the middle. I wonder if that awareness will help him make the jump up.
• “Can I steal a smidgen of that boiling water?” How big is a smidgen Robin? Her technical approach is amazing.
• Jen loves her meat. Get it? Meat?
• I wish Mike I had added some meat to his dish for that extra flavor. That would be amazing if he could sneak it on them without someone noticing.
• Barb: “Some of you will not be receiving the garbonzo beans tonight”
• Oh no! Just a balance issue? Someone will definitely screw up worse than that. I fear Robin will live to see another day.
• If Mike V doesn’t nail Natalie Portman I’ll be really surprised. All the single ladies are fawning over his “food.”
• Jen is saucing everyone’s plates? Oh god. This is depressing. It’s like watching a hobbled veteran struggle to maintain their previous level of play. The reaction seemed ok.
• I would be fine with Mike I leaving. Poor execution and not a well received idea. He’s definitely in the bottom.
• Oh NO! Not all of Bryan’s dish made it to the table! Oh god. Oh god. He obviously wants to panic but he kept his stuff together. At least nothing is hotter than Padma and Natalie Portman talking about oral sex. That’s not a bad thing. I’m not mad.
• Kevin or Mike V wins, definitely. Mike I or Robin are gone.
• Kevin has fan favorite locked up. Done and done.
• Mike V’s food doesn’t reflect the person that he is. He’s such a jerk, but his food is always described as fun.
• Of course Natalie will choose Mike V. WOAH!!! She chose Kevin. Mind boggling. GE appliances? Seems random, but ok.
• I like that Mike thinks if something looks like a protein it is a protein.
• Tom called Robin out on her awfulness! I think this is it for her.
• Oh no, Jen might have just shot herself in the foot with her defense at judge’s table. Tom is her biggest defender and he seemed to waiver in his support. So worried. Her defeatist attitude might get her sent home. No idea who is gone.
• Padma obviously has a grudge against Jen. She can’t take a challenge to her sexual status. I bet if Natalie was sticking around she’d turn on her too.
• If Mike I goes home before Robin he will pack his knifes and go, but only after he stabs Robin in the heart. Which raises the question, if two people are gone does no one go home next week?
• Has Tom always had that hair under his lip?
• Jen gets a reprieve. Robin is finally gone.
• Mike I is gone (and I’m wrong again)! His embrace of Jen and the reaction from Gail blew my mind. So intrigued!
• Robin is like those little plants that live on the bottom of the ocean. They suck, but keep on living for some reason. They survive because nobody notices.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

They're really Villains

I can't think of a reason why I'm still watching Heroes. The show is not entertaining and I don't have a vested interest in any of the characters.
Sylar is mildly amusing, but ultimately wasted. Claire is hot, but everything about her is unrealistic and built to kill time. Noah used to be an interesting character until his ex-wife took his balls.
I give up. Already i fast forwarded through most of the recent episode. I danced around Claire's scenes hoping she would make a move on her soon to be girlfriend.
OH! But the dumbest thing in the recent episode was Parkman thinking he could drink away Sylar. Matt has never outsmarted anyone, and while i didn't anticipate Sylar taking over the body for good, I knew it wouldn't work out well for Matt.
It's time we wrap this waste of space up.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Killshot Experience

So I came home one night to find my roommates (Barb and Jim) watching the recently released KILLSHOT. I was instantly drawn to the movie because it had Joseph Gordon-Levitt in it, who I will watch in anything. Instead of just diving into the movie, though, I decided to wait and read the book first.
The book of the same name is by Elmore Leonard. I think I read something by him a long time ago, but I can't be sure. He's one of those authors with a solid reputation and a whole list of books that became movies (Big Bounce, Get Short, 3:10 to Yuma) (Just realized the other one i read was Big Bounce, which was fair, but a masterpiece compared to the movie).
SO I read the book, which was fair. I'm not some great literary mind, so I don't know how to appropriately critique the book. The story held my interest, even though it was dated (there aren't cellphones) and unrolled in a herky-jerky fashion. All in all I thought the book was ok, not something I'd recommend and not something I'd steer people away from. I think my main problem was the illogical way things unfold that doesn't seem to represent a coherent series of events.
THe best part of the book is the relationship between Wayne and Carmen. Their rapport seems to capture a married couple in a strained relationship, which is being tested further by homicidal maniacs. I relish this dynamic even more after seeing the movie, which alters the couple into some cookie cutter pair that only exists in the minds of bad screen writers.
The killers are also a strong point in the story. Their interactions are amusing and tumultuous. They definitely command your interest, especially with Richie, who puts the psycho in psychopath.
Now to the movie, which is bad. I would tell people to avoid this movie at all costs. Actually, I'd say watch the movie with a hand on the remote, so you can fastforward through the boring parts (most of it) and just watch the scenes with Levitt. He absolutely steals every scene he's in and is in a role like you've never seen before. He plays Richie, and kicks the character up a notch from the book. As portrayed by Levitt you get a better realization for Richie than Leonard could write. With his scruffy beard, penchant for pulling the trigger and motormouth style he is the only bright light in the movie.
Now for the bad, and I really can't undersell this point. First of all the story is formulaic and boring. THe screenwriter took out everything from the novel that gave it its identity and trades it in for things he's seen in other movies. For instance, to sell the marital strife he decides that Wayne and Carmen are unable to have a child.
There is little flash to begin with in the book and it doesn't get much better on the big screen. None of the scenes are nearly as intense as they were when I read them, which could be the writing or could be the acting.
The acting definitely makes the writing worse, as aside from Levitt the actors basically stink. I don't know why Mickey Rourke gets credit for being a good actor or was chosen to play a native american. Diane Lane seems lost along side anyone other than Richard Gere, which doesn't help Tom Jane play her estranged husband. Jane, who is supposed to play a grizzled blue collar worker ends up looking more like an L.L. Bean model.
But the worse offender in the movie is Rosario Dawson. Anyone who thinks she is a good actress should have their head examined. Her only good talent, her looks, are wasted in this movie, as she's supposed to play ugly. I can't say enough bad things about her, which is sad since she's not in the movie very long, but i guess that explains how awful she is. I will never understand why she was cast in this role (or in CLERKS II).
This actually could have been a compelling film if Levitt had been surrounded with competent actors and the movie done as an indie. Aidin Quinn wouldn't be bad as Wayne Colsen and I could see Robin Wright Penn Playing his wife (they did it before in EMPIRE FALLS). Melissa Leo could play Rosario Dawson's role, which was conceived as an older girlfriend for Richie and really works that way with Leo. Most importantly we would need someone else to play the indian Rourke is supposed to be. Rourke is actually close, but he's not quite right and he only makes it worse by his stiffness. Adam Beach isn't big enough or scary enough and Wes Studi is too old and also not big enough. I'd like Keith Carradine if he was a little younger, but alas he is old and frail. I actually would liked to have seen Val Kilmer in this role. Apparently he has some Cherokee blood from a great grandmother and I think with a little time tanning he could have killed in this role.
No reason to cry over spilled milk now, though, as I can't get back the time I wasted and they're never making my version of the movie. All in all I'd say avoid both the book and the movie. If I had to make a similar recommendation I'd say read and watch NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The end is near

HULU is going to start charging for content in 2010. My world has been shaken to its core. I don't know how to proceed going forward. I might need to get a tv now...

Dick Out of the Box

So Mad Men is poised for an explosion of sorts, as Don Draper's world could come crashing down around him after Betty's discovery of his murky past.
Not sure how this will all shake out, but I can't imagine what Betty will do. I doubt Don will tell her the truth, or at least the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It's more likely the quick thinking Don/Dick Whitman will come up with some plausible story that will placate Betty, who is in the business of being easily placated.
What do you think will happen?

Psych Out

One of the things I like about Psych is that it never takes itself too seriously, even going so far as to make fun of its own level of insanity. At the same time, though, I’ve really enjoyed some of the darker fare, specifically the episode “Tuesday the 17th , which star James Roday directed. This episode was a change of pace in that it put our stars in credible danger and offer grisly violence.
Since then PSYCH has gone back to its normal routine, until this season’s finale. The finale began with the revelation that Sean (Roday) had been shot and was missing.
My initial reaction was one of excitement. I really believed this could be done well and offer some genuine excitement. It gave the cops a chance to finally do their job, offered unique pairings and presumably would require Sean to stifle the inane pop culture references for a second. Ok, I was actually hoping the last one wouldn’t come true. But basically it offered a new direction that could be very striking in contrast to the normal direction of the show.
Unfortunately the episode merely fizzled out and never really sparked my interest. It began with a compelling tie in to Sean’s youth, as the lessons he learned from his neurotic father become very relevant while on the run. This storyline dies off too soon, much like the rest of the episode, which is too condensed and isn’t given time to properly unfold. This finale deserved two hours, just so we could watch the underrated Juliet (Maggie Lawson) explore her feelings for Sean, the pairing of Lassie and Spencer Senior, and maybe let Police Chief Vick get some face time. Is she even on the show anymore?
The lack of Juliet/Sean/Abigail intrigue was dismaying, and the little taste was unsatisfying. It didn’t get enough time to stew and I would have liked a bigger portion.
All in all the episode was a miss. It was too simple. Broke too quickly.
Essentially the episode got trapped in that limbo between drama and comedy, in which it fails to do either well. This is a problem for other USA shows like Burn Notice or Royal Pain, and I’m worried that Psych is going that way. Ok, not really worried, but disappointed that they fell in that hole. They obviously felt they could take from both worlds and were wrong.
This episode is not indicative of this season or the show in its entirety. PSYCH is my favorite show that USA has spawned. From its constant mocking of copycat THE MENTALIST to every expression Gus (Dule Hill) wears, this show is always on. It tries to be funny, and with the exception of the finale, always is. It takes a certain amount of self-awareness to watch this show and appreciate it, which explains its limited appeal and why it wouldn’t work on a network, but I think that’s why I like it. It’s not for everyone, just (if I do say so) the enlightened few who appreciate a running dialogue of 1980s pop culture and “I’ve heard it both ways” jokes.
I honestly can’t sing this show’s praises loud enough. James Roday deserved an emmy nomination for best actor in a comedy and Dule Hill should go over to Jon Cryer’s house and just take this year’s best supporting actor award. Honestly, he is amazing.
Dule Hill is especially interesting, based on the fact he is one of the few black actors who has been given a major role in a television comedy. This is more of an observation of the fact that there are few funny parts written for black actors. J.B. Smooth on CURB is one of the few actors I can think of off the top of my head. Obviously there’s Stanley on THE OFFICE, but I saved him because like Gus, his characters isn’t written as a “black” guy. They’re just guys. That’s an important distinction to make, as minority actors are still written into narrow clichés and I find that disappointing. End of rant.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, PSYCH. Watch it. Love it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Restaurant slaughter

So I’m wavering in my desire to see Robin get kicked off. Laurine brings less to the show in terms of controversy and amusement, so I wouldn’t mind seeing her go. Plus, Laurine has a limited ceiling of ability so it wouldn’t be doing the world a disservice if she was sent home before Robin.
Restaurant Wars is unpredictable because it requires a leap of faith by all the members to trust the others members and effectively sign their fate to the work of people who could suck (looking at you Robin). Enough from me, time to watch and get turned on by food porn (and the V brothers).
• Jen is smoking hot!!! I bet Ashley wishes she was still around. I wonder if Padma is threatened by Jen’s sexuality???
• So they’ve really been playing up the competition between the V brothers early in this episode. That usually means it will play out later, which would make sense since they really built up a minor confrontation on last week’s episode.
• They don’t think you’re the mom Robin. They think you can’t cook. Maybe they think of you as the mom, but if they do, it’s as the mom who can’t cook. Mom who can’t cook and had cancer. Mom who can’t cook, had cancer and tells everyone. Mom who can’t cook, tells everyone about her cancer and briefly dated Tom in the 90s.
• Michael V is a genius with awesome catch-phrases (period on sentences). His lineup was perfect!
• I hope that someday people call me a “good plater”

Don’t know why I didn’t see this earlier, but Mike V’s team has restaurant wars locked up. They haven’t made Robin the out front person yet, but they need to. She’ll just tell people about her cancer (sympathy points) and stay out of the kitchen (real points). The V brothers and Eli could totally take care of everything else!
• Kevin will be huge in the sustainable aspect of the competition. This is my sleeper theme for the episode.
• By the way, I’m eating risotto my mom made from a box for dinner. It’s terrible. So sticky. It’s like a grainy paste.
• Definitely Robin’s idea that they sit Indian style. Mike V seems to be taking a lot of responsibility, which could kill him.
• What kind of phones Eli? Oh….Sprint. I want to use my At&T phone to call Eli and tell him to get back in the kitchen! Hobits will scare people. Although Robin’s insistence on high fives might calm people down.
• Waiting for Michael I to say “Mission, because I want to do it missionary style with Jen.”
• Robin makes me laugh. Usually not on purpose though…
• Watching Jen’s team prep and I’m 95% sure they’re going to win. They’re menu is hearty and awesome, plus everyone seems on their game. Basically they don’t have Robin on their team….
• Jen never wants to talk to Tom and always claims it’s because they’re too busy. Real reason: The sexual tension is still rough from their one night stand.
• Wait a second! There are customers? Don’t think Laurine should be that surprised.
• REVOLT seems like a way for the V brothers to plug their own names…
• I like that Mike V doesn’t want to be cussed at, since he loves swearing! I never knew mike had this sensitive side. Must save it for the ladies.
• R-E-S-P-E-C-T! You’d get it if you didn’t suck Robin. But wait, Tobey liked it! Right now it looks like she is safer than I would like. If this team loses I think anyone could go home.
• Padma gave a look of such disdain for Laurine after she walked away without describing the first round of dishes. This will definitely come back to bite her in the butt. Padma is all about vengeance when it comes to judge’s table. Speaking of judge’s table, if Mike I comes in with his cocky attitude about this salt snafu he could be in for a world of hurt.
• The blue team is falling apart. I was way off on them. Thought they had their stuff together, but they’re not really operating well as a team. Kevin is definitely safe and Mike I will probably skate by, but Laurine and Jen should be worried. In Jen’s favor, though, she has a strong history that the judges seem to acknowledge. At least these guys know they lost.
• LOVE. LOVE . LOVE that the producers of this show decided to show Mike V’s hypocrisy. I commented on this earlier, but the way they executed it was amazing. His voiceover playing during his contrasting styles killed me.
Was it just me or did Padma ask the V brothers to tag team her? Maybe you heard compliments drooling from her mouth, but I envisioned something else… Um, their food. Duh! Of course Padma has a little something for Michael! She’s so happy. Can’t imagine her doing that same presentation for Robin. Honestly, I thought I was a condom she was holding up at first.
• What a big heart Mike V has. And if you disagree, well f*@% you! But please, no cursing.
• The first chink in Bryan’s zen like approach to life has shown through. He thinks his brother in unprofessional in the kitchen, which is probably accurate unless you’re Gordon Ramsey. Is this the crescendo before an explosion in a later episode? All signs point to Padma being interested. I mean all signs point to yes.
• I wonder if Padma will get up and slap Laurine in the face for the service. I’d say no, just because Padma prefers tongue lashings, either giving them or taking them from the V brothers.
• Jen’s performance at judge’s table is hard to watch. She really is broken. I can only imagine how Bill is doing, as he watches his girl toil in the wind. He’s actually in Colorado right now so he’s probably moseying south to give her a shoulder to cry on and a (graphic sex joke deleted).
• Ok, so Laurine is gone. Everyone else has too good of a track record to go home, except for Laurine. Not wavering from this opinion, regardless of what happens at the table.
• The Rock was rocked to the point where it couldn’t rock anymore. Bye Laurine.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Larry Bald

THe only thing you really need to take away form last night's episode of CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM is that Larry has been diligently working on the SEINFELD reunion script off camera.
Aside from this throw away line the episode didn't offer much, except for an All-Star performances by Jeff Garlin, Ted Danson and Rosie O'Donnell. Garlin kills as the amused side kick who is along for the ride, but retains the option to get off at his convenience. Danson, who routinely antagonizes Larry, was up to his old tricks as he and Larry engaged in a F-Bomb tirade over a piece of pie. As for Rosie, just watching her chase Larry up a set of stairs before delivering an off-screen ass beating almost single handedly saved the episode. Oh yeah, and i would be doing a disservice to JB Smooth if i failed to give him a shout out. So glad he stayed in the house.
Anyway, the episode revolves around Larry's relationship with a handicapped woman, which by itself is mildly amusing. He discovers a hidden world of benefits that he never considered that ultimately keep him from dumping a girl that he wouldn't stand if she was a "walker." Then through a series of forced events, it really doesn't flow well, Larry ends up on a date with a different wheelchair bound person at an event with the first girl.
The only worthwhile moment came when Larry describes how he organizes his phone book, which is not just by name, but with description of that person. Specifically, Larry cites characteristics that are the most striking to him and not always the most sensitive.
Last night's episode felt like filler until the return of the Seinfeld storyline, which will commence again next week.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Can't shake that Summer

There is a relatively short list of movies that have any meaning to me, as far as providing a snap shot that somewhat resembles my life. Off the top of my head the list would include SUPERBAD and KICKING AND SCREAMING (not the Will Ferrell movie).
SUPERBAD was the movie I always wanted to write growing up, but never could articulate. The main characters’ quest for “companionship” was my quest. Their hopeless attempt to grab the life they marveled at was my misplaced endeavor too. The whole experience of Evan and Seth was a learning experience, which while failing to occur for me in one night, did encompass my life from about 16 to 19. Basically I could have used this movie when I was 15 as a guide to the next four years of my life. Alas, I stumbled through it all on my own.
KICKING AND SCREAMING was the same movie that I saw before I could even realize that it would become my life to a certain degree.
The Noah Baumbach film revolves around the aimless lives of college graduates who are essentially running in place and don’t realize they’re not going anywhere. Needless to say I feel their pain and am looking for my own way to shake things up.
While it may be premature to add to this list, I would say that 500 DAYS OF SUMMER is a heavy candidate to join the team.
I saw 500 DAYS OF SUMMER Sunday night at the film forum with my roommates Barb and Jim. I’ve raved about the film forum in the past and I’ll use this post to again tout this venue. Short of having a home theater this is the best way to watch a movie. GO!
Anyway, the movie follows the relationship of Summer (Zoe) and Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). We jump all around the 500 days of their relationship, as we get a first hand seat to the highs and lows, albeit not necessarily in that order.
The film warns its viewers that this is not a love story, and its right in the Hollywood sense. Guy and girl do not overcome some superficial obstacle to end up together, only after guy makes up for some minor mistake he made toward the end of the film. Rather, this is the real life love story that THE BREAKUP tried and failed to be. This is the love story grounded in reality, with pain, joy, and a murky ending that’s really just another chapter in a much longer story.
The movie is funny and cute, without ever going out of its way to be either. Most of the humor is derived from Tom’s two friends who offer him advice, support and condolences depending on the situation.
For viewers who haven’t seen BRICK, which for me was the coming out party for Levitt, 500 DAYS is his mass exposure to audiences that only remember him from 3rd Rock From the SUN or 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU. It’s there a little bit in 10 THINGS, but now he’s finally gotten to show off some serious range. Although, Levitt recently appeared as a lunatic criminal in KILL SHOT, so I guess that’s technically more range.
I guess what I mean is that I was impressed by the nuance of Levitt’s performance in 500 DAYS. Every pained look or joyous smile seemed to be running in about ten different directions at once. None of this was that new to me, as Levitt was even more on in BRICK, which is a must see.
I would be remiss, though, to ignore Zooey Deschanel who plays an evil version of what I imagine she’s like in real life. I use evil only in the sense that while her character is perfectly up front about her intentions and her attitudes, she lets Levitt’s character forget about these caveats and get caught up in the excitement of her.
That probably exposes part of my own biases, which indicates that it is time to explain why this film speaks so directly to me. For starts, Tom’s work life is something that I’m terrified of. He is greeting card writer by day and a closeted architect in his thoughts and dreams. I’m afraid of falling into the same rut where I’m stuck doing something that doesn’t make me happy, but provides the safety and security to keep me from doing what I want to do or at the very least trying and failing. Tom is able to overcome this rut and by the end of film and goes for it in his professional life (and ultimately his personal life), but it takes some serious body blows for him to realize he needs a new strategy.
Even more resonating for me was Tom’s views on love and life. Tom gets bogged down in searching for his vision of life that he fails to see the real joys in life. He can’t merely be, but rather needs to know what being is, what to call it, so that he can know how to act. I too suffer from this same debilitating affliction. My friend Ruby has never been burdened by this holdup and for years has advised me to shake loose of my chains.
I’m not sure how I’ll feel about this movie five or ten years down the road. I’m pretty sure that with additional experience I’ll have new insights into the movie and its meaning will continue to evolve. I would recommend that you go out and see this movie too, so you can discover what it means to you. Plus, if you don’t want to break down all the layers and seek your own meaning, 500 DAYS OF SUMMER is easy to digest and fun in the process.

Lost already did it.

SO remember back to Charlie's death on Lost... Desmond tried repeatedly to save him, before yielding to fate. Basically his conclusion, after talking to Daniel Faraday's mom, was that fate will find a way. Fate will allude your attempt to change the future and will get what it wants.
Well guess what? The show that strives to be Lost 2.0, Flash Forward, has had one of its key characters undergo this same revelation. The female doctor, who in her vision saw herself with a man other than her husband is doing her best to push that man out of her life. But at the end of the episode she finds out that fate has pushed back and she stills on the same track.
ANyway, what makes this even freakier is that the character on Flash Forward was also on Lost, and her character there was the significant other of Desmond.
Basically what this means is that Lost already did it, but good try Flash Forward. More importantly, though, what does this mean for the characters destined for death?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tony Tony Tony

SO I told you what podcast to avoid (Adam Carolla), but I feel the need to offer a reliable alternative and that is Tony Kornheiser's show.
A casual sports fan will know Tony from PTI or his brief stint on Monday Night Football. Tony is also a former newspaper columnist and for years had a radio show. Now he's back on the radio and its available as a podcast!!!
Although his specialty is sports, Tony's show has a more potluck feel to it. For example, he has a writer from Politico as a regular guest and on Friday does movie reviews with a Film Critic. On any given day Tony can enter the studio with something on his mind and the first half hour of his two hour show can revolve solely around that point, whether it be where he went to dinner or last night's American Idol.
Even the sports aren't addressed in a typical fashion, as he has James Carville on as a regular guest to discuss college football.
The flow of the show is captivating, as it just snowballs into a very amusing conversation between people who seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves. The back and forth involves Tony and usually two or three other people in the booth, who realize that Tony is the star, but have no problem stealing the spotlight when its just right. The supporting cast includes a Brit who makes Bagel ads funny, a newsman who is responsible for finding amusing stories and a movie reviewer who prefers to work solely from trailers. There's also a sassy lass, who would probably resent being called sassy, thus her sassy description.
Tony is definitely a smart guy, as evidenced by his writing and the fact he went to Binghamton (he and my dad would want me to add that), but its when he is channeling Larry David or is just completely out of his element that he is at his best.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

There's no rush.

One of my favorite movies is a small film called "Dinner Rush." By no means is this a well known movie, as the Drive-In Movie Store doesn't carry it.
The movie is about ten years old and stars Danny Aiello. For the most part, though, the movie is an ensemble piece with relative unknowns that you may or may not recognize from bit parts in the past.
95% of the movie takes place in a restaurant on night that isn't particularly distinguishable from any other night, except tonight there's a murder. What's weird is that the murder is more of an after thought in the whole movie.
Essentially the movie revolves around the dynamic of a living organism. The restaurant is a living organism, and if you've ever worked in a restaurant or the food service area in general you'll appreciate this idea. More than the idea you'll appreciate the film.
If you can be patient this movie unfolds into something quite nice. Even on my eighth viewing I'm still uncovering more of this movie. Watch this movie with an open mind and a desire to feel the characters, and you won't be disappointed. Good luck finding it though.

Seems like someone's got a case of the Mondays...

So I’m the first defender of The Office, as evidenced by my recent blog post, but tonight’s episode was beyond any defense I could mount. It was just bad. There were a couple laughs throw in on the side, but primarily this episode was just bad. It was a struggle to watch.
This episode touched on a complaint that was brought to me regarding the lack of stories The Office has to offer. This tangent about the mafia was not only ridiculous; it was downright embarrassing that they couldn’t come up with anything better than this terrible plot.
The funniest part revolved around Oscar’s description of the people in the office that help keep the office sane. Oscar basically says that Tobey, Jim and Pam keep the office from spinning out of control. I think Stanley could help keep things together, but he probably doesn’t care enough to save everyone from themselves
But even this little bit, in conjunction with Kevin’s identity fraud venture, failed to overcome what was a lackluster story. You’d think that the Andy/Michael/Dwight team would be able to stir things up and turn water into wine, except not this time. Although Andy does do a pretty amazing impersonation of a car mechanic, who specializes in motorcycles…
I’m not willing to write the show off after one bad episode. That said, I’m not sure how many seasons The Office could have left. Only if it keeps reinventing itself can it remain fresh and relevant. I for one have faith that they won’t fall into this kind of rut again, and other fans should remain confident too because the show has never let anyone down. One bad episode does not a season make, so I have no problem counseling people against abandoning ship.

Throwback Central on Psych

I'm about twenty minutes into the most recent episode of Psych, and so far I've spotted Alex Mack and the bad guy from Back to the Future.
Impressed? Oh yeah, Will Bailey is also in this episode. Who is Will Bailey? Joshua Malina's character from West Wing, which Gus was also on.
But how to market these skills....

Top Chef Second Look

Just because I'm always open to a second opinion, here are some thought's on last night's episode from Bill....

What topped ash's "I forgot flavor!" line (you said it was 2nd or 3rd)? I personally laughed my ass off and thought it was number one (hence the text you received). It makes sense ash is gone; Robin brings a good controversy element to the "behind the scenes". Of course the producers have their noses in the judges decisions, but the top chefs are still on the show so it's cool. PS Bryan is bad ass because he doesn't need tattoos to make himself cool; he is just emotionally non responsive to any stimuli.

Top Chef: Pigs in a Blanket

I’m hoping to say Hey Hey Goodbye to Robin tonight, although I’m emotionally prepared to deal with the loss of Ash or Laurine. Without further ado, here goes my running diary for Top Chef…
• So Eli lives with his parents. WOuldn’t have seen that one coming based on his attitude. This is a guy who won’t stand for nonsense, yet he’s still ok living with his parents. I’m an adult living with my parents and I don’t see all the positives that Eli sees. As far as I know he has a job, which makes me wonder why he hasn’t moved out, because that’s all that is stopping me. He is 25! What will he do if he wins? Celebrate by buying a Wii for his room? Ughhh
• Wait, Robin had cancer??? SHUT IT already. Robin thinks winning Top Chef would make her invincible. Now I want her to win and get struck down by a car or have her cancer come back. Ok, that feeling has passed as a I feel like a bad person, but c’mon, she sucks.
• Just in case you were wondering, those are GE ovens.
• Glad Padma got her call right. Utensils must go down first before hands go up for safety sake.
• Charlie is going to rip Robin’s head off. Maybe I’m just hoping for it, but it seems like a “perfectionist” like Charlie will hate someone who basically sucks. And guess what? Robin sucks, so she should be right in his wheelhouse. And yup, there it is. Maybe this is the day she sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Figuratively of course. I don’t want her to die…
• Kevin likes pork? I feel like there should be a joke there. It’s staring me in the face and for some reason I can’t get it.
• Bryan is so geeky. I love him So happy I picked him as my guy, because not only he is a credible threat, he is also fun to root for. My friend Bill, who is rooting for Jen, gave Bryan props from last week, call him “bad ass” and “stoic.” I’m not sure how bad ass he is compared to his brother, who has tattoos and definitely had sex with Padma.
• Eli begins ranting about amateur pallets (spelling?) and the camera goes to Robin. I assume he was talking about her, because he hates her, but some producer is definitely egging things on. Can’t wait for the confrontation that has been hyped so much between Eli and Robin.
• I have no confidence in Laurine. She just said she’s cooking something she’s never tried before. She’s probably not good enough to ad lib like this. Right now she’s my favorite to go home, just because Robin seems immortal.
• Robin is talking out loud again! I love it. She is so oblivious. Italian Mike seems like the Robin psychologist. He should give speeches about how to handle her. He is starting to grow on me. Eli hates Robin! Oh my this is fun. Finally we’re getting some house stuff. I’ve said this before, but this needs its own hour!!!! Robin is here to make friends. She was hoping to find a lover.
• In all seriousness, Robin, Ash and probably Laurine have talent ceilings that they’re rapidly approaching. The only way they’re no t the next three out is if someone else really messes up. Even then, though, Ash will probably do the right thing and talk his way out.
• Just realized where Bryan’s restaurant’s name came from. Volt! It’s from his last name. So I’m a little slow on the uptake… On a more serious note, Michael V is acknowledging that Bryan is a woman compared to him. Love how the father figure brings out the tension between the two brothers.
• Ok, Jen is so cute. I’d say fan favorite, except her personality might not be that appealing to people. Ash has a shot to win that, but Kevin or Eli are my current votes for fan favorites. Michael V doesn’t have shot because he’s kind of a jerk….
• Clammy? I think that’s a good description for someone’s clam. Oh Ash, wasn’t there someone you could copy or have lead you???
• Tom is really rocking his sandals. Can a judge win fan favorite?
• Based just on Kevin’s confidence during his description I feel like he’ll win. Judges seemed to quietly love Bryan’s dish. Based on Padma’s reaction to Jen dish I would say she has this locked up. I mean I could watch Padma eat that all day long.
• Looks like Laurine’s terrible dish might get saved by Robin’s awful dish. One of these two ladies will be going home. Although, I’m reminded of Ash’s clammy label for his pork. But no, I’m remaining hopeful that Robin is leaving us, if only for the open next week when everyone rejoices she is gone.
• Top 4 for this episode are probably the four best. Mike I is over confident and Eli just falls apart some times, which explains why they’re in the middle, above Ash, Laurine and Robin. The top four this season are miles ahead of Hosea from last season.
• “Big R, little obin.” The greatest line of this season. She stands by her dish! Classic mistake, because Tom, and it’s always him, will be bothered by the fact she thought this was a good dish. He likes it when people recognize the flaws in their dish. Robin’s idiocy might be topped by Ash’s stupidity, which seems to anger Tom enough to ignore Robin. I would have said Robin is safe, but her lack of technical no-how with regards to her dish is unsettling. Any other episode Laurine would totally be gone, but it’s Ash or Robin this time probably. The way Tom characterized Ash’s dish as “amateurish” doesn’t bode well for him. I could imagine them basing their decision on him going as far as he could go in this competition. But please, send Robin home!!!!
• “I forgot flavor!” Ash gives us the second or third best line of the season.
• If I had to pick one, I would say Ash is gone. Finally choice. My gut just says they think he has peaked in the wake of last week.
• Wow. Ash is gone, but the odd part was the way Padma kicked him off. She relished it way too much. The other contestants are going to lose it now that Robin is still around, especially with Restaurant Wars coming up!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mission Aborted!

So I made it about 8 minutes into the premiere before I gave up. The show was basically terrible...
The first strike was the joke about appearing on Leno, which was outdated and lame. These are two characteristics Entourage successfully avoided during its peak.
Strike two was when Vince is practicing his parallel parking with real cars!!! Couldn't they have just bought crappy cars to use?
Strike three was Gary Cole. He is just so flat out awful that I couldn't imagine watching him for the rest of the season.
I guess I'm out of here now.

2nd Chance with Entourage

Ok, so here is the premise. Starting with the third season of Entourage I've been continuously disappointed. The show peaked with its second season and has gone worse every year. Although, each year the season was better than i remembered it upon a second viewing.
That was true until I watched last season again. In the interest of fairness I'm now going to give this recent season a second chance starting tonight.
My guess, it won't fair any better with age.
What did you think of this season?

Done with Adam Carolla

So now that I've got an ipod again i've been delving into the world of podcasts. For the longest time the only one I listened to was the one by Bill Simmons. I worship at the alter of Bill Simmons and always will.
Anyways, I began trying out new ones, which I won't mention now because i want to focus on hate. Hate that is aimed at Adam Carolla. Hate is actually the wrong word, probably disdain or pity.
Carolla, a co-creator the Man Show, is for the most part pretty funny. He is funnier with Jimmy Kimmel, but does ok on his own. His observations are interesting enough and his little bits are funny enough.
Unfortunately they're not funny enough to overcome the hate and ignorance he constantly spits out. He shows a level of stupidity that doesn't just border on the cruel and insensitive, but rather seems to revel in not caring.
For starters he is just plain wrong about a lot of the things he says. I can't even begin to touch upon the fallacies he embraces both abroad and at home. It's appalling how wrong he is, and what's worse is when some of his guests get caught up in it.
Recently, Kaitlin Olson from "Always Sunny in Philadelphia" was on and refused to play his games. I applauded most of her appearance, during which she resisted the temptation to get caught up in his idiocy and mob like mentality. She definitely made the best of a bad situation as she verbally washed her hands of the situation after trying to steer Adam in a better direction. She failed, as he wouldn't really listen to her, but good for her.
For the small percentage of funny this podcast is not worth it. I couldn't stomach all the hate and ignorance for the few laughs i got. Just bad.

Life Support induced Boredom

So I want to like HBO's new comedy, Bored to Death. The premise is interesting enough. The actors all have good reputations. The story lines are pretty engaging. My main problem stems from the show's star, Jason Schwartzman.
In all honesty I haven't like Jason since he starred in Rushmore and had a cameo on an episode of Freaks and Geeks. I'm convinced he is just playing a version of himself in everything, and frankly, I don't care for him. I think he's annoying, snooty and so hard to feel anything for. Jason isn't helped by his role in Bored to Death, which seems to exemplify everything I hate about him.
It's sad how good this show could be without Schwartzman. Zak Galifianakis and Ted Danson kill in their supporting roles and the guest stars have always been spot on. Galifianakis in particular seems to be in his comfort zone, as he thrives with such activities as donating his sperm or doing things with his butt. Danson also owns his role and seems to have too much fun with every ridiculous line. Really excited for Galifianakis and Danson to share some screen time and exchange lines.
I'm going to keep watching this show, in part because I think their is potential. If the show embraces some its more wacky aspects it could really catch on with me. Plus, there's always the chance Schwartzman will grow on me through this constant exposure. Well that's actually not likely, but maybe the show could overcome the detraction that is Jason Schwartzman. Because even while he tries to kill the show, I'd say it still has a feint pulse.

The Defense of THE OFFICE

So I feel like coming to defense of THE OFFICE. Sure, maybe it doesn't need defending. And yes, maybe there are better ways to spend my time. But I'm unemployed, so there really isn't anything better (except finding a job...).
Anyway, here's why I feel like the show needs a defender. Primarily in regards to the Jim and Pam storyline, which people say detracts from the comedy. I firmly reject this idea, for the most part because I don't need laughs all the way through. In fact, the moments of humanity make the show more accessible, especially in terms of how the humor is then amplified as you're caught off guard.
I look at it this way, 30 Rock is funnier than The Office. It is. No debate. It's one running joke, layered with other jokes with a gooey core of fudge. Not really, the core is more jokes. But which show is better? The Office. Because it has the comedy of 30 Rock and more. It has dramatic depth. It has moments of reality and a level of grounding that is more compelling and just better.
So is it wrong to get caught up in the Jim and pam stories? Maybe. Though not if you keep the viewer on their toes. If you avoid the boring, mundane and fake then you're ok.
Look at Ross and Rachel or any other storyline from Friends that was supposed to be compelling, like when we were supposed to get caught up in Joey's forbidden lust for Rachel. I'm sorry but that was just stupid. Hold that, or any serious stuff on Friends against Jim and Pam and it's like you're comparing apples to something not like apples at all. Midget sex dolls? Gay polo horses? Gun shows?
Jim and Pam also create humor. Countless throwaway gags (Kevin asking Jim whether Pam or Karen is hotter) to whole episodes (Michael not blabbing about Jim's crush) have been the product of the Jim and Pam dynamic.
If you don't want to see Jim and Pam getting married or don't care that she's pregnant, then you're missing out on an element of the show. While funny, these are also characters we're supposed to feel for. This isn't 30 Rock. This is more than that. I feel for Michael. I feel for Dwight. I feel for Creed. I mean if Creed can't scuba dive, what has this all been for????
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if Jim and pam's storyline means you take a second not to laugh then so be it. This show offers more than that, so suck it up and roll with it. It can be very good if you want to accept it. Accept that these are real people who you can relate to.
Don't get me wrong, though, this is not some dramatic affair with the occasional laugh. This is still the second funniest show on television. Anyone who says the show isn't funny anymore should leave the country and if you're already gone then stay out (Don't really mean that. Come back.)
The Office has remained funny and fresh, as it constantly reinvents itself. I'm amazed how well they've adapted with every twist. From Jim leaving the branch to Jim become a co-manager there is always new funny. Michael giving Jim gin? Dwight's attempt to instigate a mutiny? This is some real good stuff. I don't know what to say short of, "come on. This is good."
Maybe I'll buy that it's not on the same level as last season, which i thought was a renaissance year on par with season two. It seems to me like the show has really hit its stride, as every character has a specific niche. Andy has been perfected. Dwight's on fire. Even Erin has found a spot.
In conclusion, Jim and Pam are adorable and should continue to command time on what is still the second funniest show on television.
Disagree? Let me know.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dinner party chefs

So it’s time for another episode of “Top Chef.” This late post is because I’m not watching it until Saturday afternoon. Is that a bad thing?
• A couple things of note: Michael had his first kid when he was 21. Yikes. Jen will have to overcome some serious adversity in this episode (she’s sick), and since the producers are highlighting this she’ll either win or get kicked off. My guess is win because she’s a serious competitor.
It seems odd to me that Tyler Florence is the guest judge. Rarely is there any crossover between Food Network and Top Chef. He is a rare exception, as is the super gay guy on Food Network who appeared on Top Chef Masters. You know who I mean, the guy who always puts on parties! I would love to see Bobby Flay as a guest judge or Rachel Ray, and hear what the Top Chef contestants think about these more prolific chefs.
• SO in real life Padma is pregnant. The intrigue is that no one knows who the father is! Well, I guess she knows, but she’s not telling. All I can say is that it was either Tom or Michael. We already know that Michael is fertile so that would make sense and the sexual tension between Tom and Padma is palpable.
• The fact that Robin keeps bringing up the fact that other people don’t think she should be there means to me that she has her own doubts. No one would harp on it this much if they didn’t think there was some ring of truth. Is she trying to garner sympathy or what? I hope she gets kicked off. The only interesting part of her is the spite she generates from Jen, Laurine and Eli. Eli is currently my favorite for his riff on Robin’s cancer shtick last week. For this week’s quickfire one of her characteristics was stressed and I’m 95% sure she’ll reference cancer in her dish’s description.
• Shouldn’t it be “Utensils down and hands up?”
• Very excited that Kevin chose money over immunity. On “the Apprentice” he would be fired for such a decision, but here, where talent wins it is the right move. Kevin is one of the 6 strongest chefs and with Robin still around he should be safe. Really liked Kevin before this and now he has reaffirmed him position as a personal favorite. He is a potential fan favorite, as are Michael and Bryan, Jen, Eli and maybe Ash. No standouts like Fabio in last season. It will be interesting to see what happens there.
• I like it when reality tv plays out so perfectly and it doesn’t look like the producers set it up. Michael, who hates Robin a ton, has been teamed up with Robin for the elimination challenge! There will be a total explosion. So excited. Is there anyway Robin is on next week? I say no. Even if they stink it up, she’ll go home because he’s routinely been better.
• No idea who is going home at this point. My gut says Ashley, Ash or Michael V are gone. Based on the opening scenes I would say that Michael V is gone and Jen wins.
• I’ve said this before, but the throwaway segments on “Top Chef” are ultimate gold. These 1 to 3 minutes clips that humanize the characters as we see into their lives should get more time. They must have enough footage to air another hour of television. This episode had Robin and Mike A strengthening their rapport, whereby Mike just lets her think out loud. HILARIOUS! Come on Bravo, Friday nights should be when you show more original Top Chef footage. I want it and I’m sure you have it.
• Ash is going home. He is doing terribly at judge’s table. Tom is going to rip him apart for all his compliments to Michael. They’ll send Ash home because he’s reached a ceiling ability-wise. This was a theme brought up during the episode. Ash totally knew he messed up. Michael knew that Ash saved him. Wow. Not sure who would have gone home otherwise. Maybe I’m wrong, though, they really hated Ashley and Eli’s execution. Regardless I still think Ash is gone.
• Looks like I was wrong. Ashley is gone. I definitely underestimated how much they hated her prawns. Ash now seems very vulnerable for next week. He hasn’t quite joined Robin’s level in the basement, but he’s definitely rising up anymore.
• Next week’s episode looks great! We learn which chef is Robin’s child! (Spoiler alert: Aren’t we all Robin’s children?)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Flash Forward equals Lost?

So Penny and Charlie are both regulars on Flash Forward - that's Penny and Charlie from Lost, don't care to look up their real names, Dominic and lady - and now another Lost veteran has popped up.
Kim Dickens, who I will remember from Deadwood as Joanie, also appeared on Lost as the woman who Sawyer swindled and kate befriended.
This isn't the only similarity, as they both share convoluted story lines and large casts. Somehow Lost, though, has more characters that are much more engaging. So far I'm not impressed with anything on Flash Forward besides the mystery. The stories are boring and the personal drama is lacking. This show is totally going to get the ax, unless they're happy with mediocre numbers. It's not like the fan base will expand, and while it's probably rabid, it can't be that big.
So i guess Flash Forward doesn't equal Lost. It's Lost-Lite. Somewhere along the line it lost the recipe of Lost and has been making a cookie cutter copy that fails to live up to the original. Won't stop me from watching until it gets canceled.

So that's why they're so mad...

All caught up on Mad Men. Went through five episodes in two days to get ready for this Sunday.
A couple side notes before I address the show itself.
1. AMC needs to create an AMC On Demand or replay old episodes occasionally. It's like they don't want people to watch the show. These serial dramas with big casts requires you not to miss an episode and they're making that difficult.
2. Mad Men is a show that torments you if you're watching it on a weekly basis. Tony kornheiser was talking about this fact on Bill Simmons' podcast, which i recommend and should probably write about. Tony opts to watch the show all at once on DVD, as opposed to watching it live. Especially after u see the previews for next week it becomes nearly impossible to wait for the next episode. I think Lost, 24 and True Blood are the same way. If i think about it more there are probably other shows.

Anyway, here are my thoughts on Mad Men...
I like seeing the Pete is a real person. I have always thought of him as a robot, but the way he loses it with his wife when she returns after he cheated on her made me see him in a new light. It was reminiscent of his role when he dealt with his mother. Too often i think he becomes a caricature of himself on the show and this keeps him grounded.
Love it when Cooper puts his foot down. This time it was about Don't contract, which Don ultimately signed after Cooper's prodding. We don't know much about him, like what he does, but he is interesting and kills it in every scene.
I don't understand Betty and Don. That's all I have to say about that. No idea why he ever settled down or fell in love with her in the first place. Maybe he was just tired of running? From flashbacks it seems like he was very enamored with her at one point, but now she's just a burden
Sally has really become a potent character on the show. I think I like it. There better be some payoff with her role or I'll feel betrayed.
Earlier in the year i sort of predicted Roger's falling out with Don. Roger was amusing to Don for a while, but now Don is tired of him because he's gone too far. He was an enjoyable nuisance in the past and now he's worn out his welcome. This could be explosive.
Oh yeah, I've always been wary of lawn mowers in the work place.
I liked how Needameyer had a guest spot as the mayor that Betty was dealing with. Probably spelling his character from Animal House's name wrong, but it was definitely him. Thought he would start yelling about pledge pins at any second.
That's it for now since I want to watch Flash Forward and have nothing else to say.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Flash Forward Fans

So there are two flash forward fans that read my blog. I put this challenge to you, why do u like it? Tell me. I dare you.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Movies I want to see...

All of these recommendations come after watching movie trailers at That's right, Hulu is expanding!!!
Anyway, some people think they can if a movie will be a good by its trailer, and some can, but I'm here to fill the void for you people that can't. So here we go...
Afterschool: This is a self-proclaimed indie, and rightly so by the fact I can only identify one actor (previously seen on Royal Pains).
There is a murder at a prep school and it seems like the movie is the fallout from that. The trailer is dark and disturbing, hinting at a movie that accentuates these conditions even more. I'm excited and terrified.

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men: This is from Jim from "The Office." I know a little more about this movie from an interview Jim did with one of the stars of the movie on NPR. Jim wrote, directed and has a role in the movie, which he fell in love with during college at Brown (learned this from the radio, not the trailer). I think the trailer played up how light and fun the movie is, and tried to gloss over how dark and disturbing the movie really is (there's that phrase again. I'm not creative at all). I think this film is much more depressing than the trailer lets on, but I'm still intrigued. The cast is phenomenal. Well, at least well known.
Youth in Revolt: This movie stars Micahel Cera playing some version of a character he's already played before. If i sound bored, I'm not. Love Michael Cera. Actually, the best way to put it is that he's playing George-Michael Bluth trying to lose his virginity and since this is a struggle he creates an alter ego that allows him to break out of his shell. Not sure what happens then, because I stopped during the middle of the trailer I was so excited to start writing. Finished the trailer, and i'm still super excited. It feels like Adaptation meets Me, Myself and Irene meets some generic high school movie minus the generic part. Most excited for this movie.

slow down for Flash Forward

While I'm not totally on board yet, I'm definitely intrigued by ABC's "Flash Forward." Frankly, I love any serial drama that requires serious devotion. My only fear is that no one else feels this way and "Flash Forward" will be canceled before I can get my payoff.
If you don't know, the show is about a world in which everyone gets a vision of their future 6 months ahead. Not exactly something you can just jump in on, which will probably kill its mass appeal. Oh mass appeal... Why do the masses suck and relish hurting my favorite shows?
Anyway, one guy doesn't have a vision. It's finally been "confirmed" that this means he'll be dead. I think the easy way to check this is go to some old people and see what they saw. If a majority say nothing, then you're probably going to die too.
I'm worried that the show is going to fast with everything. They should have played out the mystery the way Fringe is doing right now. Every episode revolves around something that is solved in that episode, but it also feeds you a little bit of the big picture. That way people won't feel bogged down by some big tapestry they need to follow. Basically, a little less Lost and a little more Fringe, or you'll lose people as only the fringe viewers will tune in. Get it?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ragtime Review: I didn't get it

Obviously I missed something here. For a book that was characterized as one of the ten best in the decade, E.L. Doctorow's "Ragtime" was not the best anything for me. It was essentially a series of intertwines characters with a plot I didn't really care about. Even the mingling of stories wasn't that interesting or surprising, as I was able to predict the twists and turns, which were more like gradual slopes.
Maybe it was the writing style that made it for the critics. The limited number of indents must be hard to do. Do other authors fight the urge to indent, but ultimately give in, except for E.L. and thus his greatness?
Also, what a weird name for an author. Not just an author, but a person in general. Did he write Winnie the pooh too? Ugh, it's all so frustrating.
I enjoyed the references and how everything was placed in its proper historical context, but i can't imagine other people liking this book. It doesn't make sense to me that this book came so highly recommended to me by my father and brother.
It was a real chore to finish this book. It's a pain just to write this. I feel like I should add more, as it was such a highly regarded book, but I wasn't impressed.
Now the "Alienist" by Caleb Carr is a fun piece set around the same time period. Teddy Roosevelt is the police chief of NYC and detective methods are undergoing radical transformations. Plus, if i remember correctly there is a pretty interesting story.
DON't READ RAGTIME. You shouldn't feel dumb or stupid or like your brother and father are better than you if you haven't read it. Try the Alienist. DON'T READ RAGTIME!

Leslie Knope finds her Yup

Don't read too much into this, but i've found another couple to root for. From "Parks and Recreation" it is the budding romance of Leslie Knope (amy poehler) and Dave Something (louis C.K.). So far they've only scheduled a date but the potential there is limitless. Well not really limitless, since Louis is just a guest star and all guest star romances must end eventually. Although, Chris Pratt was originally just a guest on the show and became a regular cast member this season. I guess anything is possible.
For now I'll just waited with bated breath, as I root these two on.
Louis C.K. is a stand-up comedian that I'm not really familiar with. I know he had a show on HBO, and it received mixed reviews. His style on the show is very endearing and he meshes well with Amy's character. As an actor he is ok, not great, but serviceable. Definitely room for growth. Give him room!!
More about this show in the future.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My New Favorite Fictional Couple

JD and Elliot. Liz Lemon and Floyd. Jessica and Hoyt. All couples of the past as far as I'm concerned. Ok, I'd take Jessica and Hoyt back in a second, but I've found my new favorite tv pairing; Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson.
Sure the characters from "Glee" haven't reached Ross and Rachel status yet, but the Rachel and Finn dynamic is my new favorite couple.
As played by Lea Michele and Cory Monteith, these two young actors light up every scene they're in together. The dynamic is palpable. You almost feel like they're serious in real life the way they're looking at each other. But I guess that's just acting. ACTING!
Anyway, when Rachel and Finn share the stage for any of the dance/singing routines in "Glee" I just get swept away. But it's not just the musical numbers that i'm enraptured with, the struggle to get these two together throughout the course of the show is an uphill battle i'm willing to fight for.
In case you're not watching, what I'm talking about is the fact that Finn is already taken. In fact, his girlfriend, Quinn is pregnant and he's committed to his child. Except, the kid isn't his and he doesn't know that...
Obviously there will be many road blocks in their way before they become official, but they've already kissed and have both admitted feelings for the other. THIS WILL HAPPEN!! IT MUST HAPPEN!!!
You must watch Glee. It's great. Rachel and Finn are great.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

All about Thursdays

Here's what you should be watching tonight....
Saturday Night Live: Weekend Update Thursday
Parks and Recreations
The Office
Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Flash Forward

Set your DVR and clear your schedule.

Putting the daily in daily.

I'm back for the month of October. Going to try to live up to the name of my blog.