• I like how every episode begins with a talking head from Robin, just so we remember that she’s still around.
• Barb: “I didn’t know tv guide was still around.” She also thinks Sopranos is a good knife. She’s probably right. I think Seinfeld will be problematic.
• Of course Robin didn’t watch television. If she had, maybe she’d have learned some social skills the way everyone else does.

• Bryan V is a genius. The concept of his dish was spot on. Plus he got an erotic noise from Padma.
• I love that Jen embraces her terrible performances. She is on such a cold streak that she could go home. I hope this is not the case.
• Of course Robin doesn’t eat steak. Probably hates America. Her sayings warrant an amazing drink game, except that I’m watching it with my mom.

After seeing the kitchen I think I need to change my underwear, but wait, it gets better because of Natalie Portman! Right before I can really enjoy the moment, though, she drops the bomb on me and says she’s a vegetarian. Blue balls? Blue balls anyone?
• I once made a frozen chicken pizza for a pseudo vegetarian (she eats fish). She revealed her proclivity to me after I had already made it. Quick solution, just pick the chicken off and eat it yourself so she doesn’t notice. Somehow she still tasted some meat…
• So eggplant, mushrooms or tofu? Not sure what other main substitutes you can throw in there.
• “I lose, Eli wins.” I love you Jen. She keeps climbing over the entire kitchen.
• Mike I’s mom was a vegan? Explains why he never watched SEINFELD.
• Wow, Eli has nailed his standing on the show. Right in the middle. I wonder if that awareness will help him make the jump up.
• “Can I steal a smidgen of that boiling water?” How big is a smidgen Robin? Her technical approach is amazing.
• Jen loves her meat. Get it? Meat?
• I wish Mike I had added some meat to his dish for that extra flavor. That would be amazing if he could sneak it on them without someone noticing.
• Barb: “Some of you will not be receiving the garbonzo beans tonight”
• Oh no! Just a balance issue? Someone will definitely screw up worse than that. I fear Robin will live to see another day.
• If Mike V doesn’t nail Natalie Portman I’ll be really surprised. All the single ladies are fawning over his “food.”
• Jen is saucing everyone’s plates? Oh god. This is depressing. It’s like watching a hobbled veteran struggle to maintain their previous level of play. The reaction seemed ok.
• I would be fine with Mike I leaving. Poor execution and not a well received idea. He’s definitely in the bottom.
• Oh NO! Not all of Bryan’s dish made it to the table! Oh god. Oh god. He obviously wants to panic but he kept his stuff together. At least nothing is hotter than Padma and Natalie Portman talking about oral sex. That’s not a bad thing. I’m not mad.
• Kevin or Mike V wins, definitely. Mike I or Robin are gone.
• Kevin has fan favorite locked up. Done and done.
• Mike V’s food doesn’t reflect the person that he is. He’s such a jerk, but his food is always described as fun.
• Of course Natalie will choose Mike V. WOAH!!! She chose Kevin. Mind boggling. GE appliances? Seems random, but ok.
• I like that Mike thinks if something looks like a protein it is a protein.
• Tom called Robin out on her awfulness! I think this is it for her.
• Oh no, Jen might have just shot herself in the foot with her defense at judge’s table. Tom is her biggest defender and he seemed to waiver in his support. So worried. Her defeatist attitude might get her sent home. No idea who is gone.
• Padma obviously has a grudge against Jen. She can’t take a challenge to her sexual status. I bet if Natalie was sticking around she’d turn on her too.
• If Mike I goes home before Robin he will pack his knifes and go, but only after he stabs Robin in the heart. Which raises the question, if two people are gone does no one go home next week?
• Has Tom always had that hair under his lip?
• Jen gets a reprieve. Robin is finally gone.
• Mike I is gone (and I’m wrong again)! His embrace of Jen and the reaction from Gail blew my mind. So intrigued!
• Robin is like those little plants that live on the bottom of the ocean. They suck, but keep on living for some reason. They survive because nobody notices.