• So Eli lives with his parents. WOuldn’t have seen that one coming based on his attitude.
• Wait, Robin had cancer??? SHUT IT already. Robin thinks winning Top Chef would make her invincible. Now I want her to win and get struck down by a car or have her cancer come back. Ok, that feeling has passed as a I feel like a bad person, but c’mon, she sucks.
• Just in case you were wondering, those are GE ovens.
• Glad Padma got her call right. Utensils must go down first before hands go up for safety sake.
• Charlie is going to rip Robin’s head off. Maybe I’m just hoping for it, but it seems like a “perfectionist” like Charlie will hate someone who basically sucks. And guess what? Robin sucks, so she should be right in his wheelhouse. And yup, there it is. Maybe this is the day she sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Figuratively of course. I don’t want her to die…
• Kevin likes pork? I feel like there should be a joke there. It’s staring me in the face and for some reason I can’t get it.
• Bryan is so geeky. I love him So happy I picked him as my guy, because not only he is a credible threat, he is also fun to root for. My friend Bill, who is rooting for Jen, gave Bryan props from last week, call him “bad ass” and “stoic.” I’m not sure how bad ass he is compared to his brother, who has tattoos and definitely had sex with Padma.
• Eli begins ranting about amateur pallets (spelling?) and the camera goes to Robin. I assume he was talking about her, because he hates her, but some producer is definitely egging things on. Can’t wait for the confrontation that has been hyped so much between Eli and Robin.
• I have no confidence in Laurine. She just said she’s cooking something she’s never tried before. She’s probably not good enough to ad lib like this. Right now she’s my favorite to go home, just because Robin seems immortal.
• Robin is talking out loud again! I love it. She is so oblivious. Italian Mike seems like the Robin psychologist. He should give speeches about how to handle her. He is starting to grow on me. Eli hates Robin! Oh my this is fun. Finally we’re getting some house stuff. I’ve said this before, but this needs its own hour!!!! Robin is here to make friends. She was hoping to find a lover.
• In all seriousness, Robin, Ash and probably Laurine have talent ceilings that they’re rapidly approaching. The only way they’re no t the next three out is if someone else really messes up. Even then, though, Ash will probably do the right thing and talk his way out.
• Just realized where Bryan’s restaurant’s name came from. Volt! It’s from his last name. So I’m a little slow on the uptake… On a more serious note, Michael V is acknowledging that Bryan is a woman compared to him. Love how the father figure brings out the tension between the two brothers.
• Ok, Jen is so cute. I’d say fan favorite, except her personality might not be that appealing to people. Ash has a shot to win that, but Kevin or Eli are my current votes for fan favorites. Michael V doesn’t have shot because he’s kind of a jerk….
• Clammy? I think that’s a good description for someone’s clam. Oh Ash, wasn’t there someone you could copy or have lead you???
• Tom is really rocking his sandals. Can a judge win fan favorite?
• Based just on Kevin’s confidence during his description I feel like he’ll win. Judges seemed to quietly love Bryan’s dish. Based on Padma’s reaction to Jen dish I would say she has this locked up. I mean I could watch Padma eat that all day long.
• Looks like Laurine’s terrible dish might get saved by Robin’s awful dish. One of these two ladies will be going home. Although, I’m reminded of Ash’s clammy label for his pork. But no, I’m remaining hopeful that Robin is leaving us, if only for the open next week when everyone rejoices she is gone.
• Top 4 for this episode are probably the four best. Mike I is over confident and Eli just falls apart some times, which explains why they’re in the middle, above Ash, Laurine and Robin. The top four this season are miles ahead of Hosea from last season.
• “Big R, little obin.” The greatest line of this season. She stands by her dish! Classic mistake, because Tom, and it’s always him, will be bothered by the fact she thought this was a good dish. He likes it when people recognize the flaws in their dish. Robin’s idiocy might be topped by Ash’s stupidity, which seems to anger Tom enough to ignore Robin. I would have said Robin is safe, but her lack of technical no-how with regards to her dish is unsettling. Any other episode Laurine would totally be gone, but it’s Ash or Robin this time probably. The way Tom characterized Ash’s dish as “amateurish” doesn’t bode well for him. I could imagine them basing their decision on him going as far as he could go in this competition. But please, send Robin home!!!!
• “I forgot flavor!” Ash gives us the second or third best line of the season.
• If I had to pick one, I would say Ash is gone. Finally choice. My gut just says they think he has peaked in the wake of last week.
• Wow. Ash is gone, but the odd part was the way Padma kicked him off. She relished it way too much. The other contestants are going to lose it now that Robin is still around, especially with Restaurant Wars coming up!!!
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