I like the Anubis reference early in this episode with the company transporting Bill. According to Wikipedia, Anubis is the Greek name for the jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology. There doesn’t seem to be a direct tie to Vampires there, but it would seem like the connection to the afterlife is the key. I hope this kind of mythology stuff gets teased out more. I had thought we’d get more tid bits in this vein with Godric, but alas, he is gone.
Am I the only desiring a back story for Carl? What’s the deal with his eyes? How did he get in touch with this gang of lunatics? Is he like Eggs and Daphne or has his bald dome been around even longer?
The Blind leading the blind
I love Terry and Jason in leadership roles. They’re real life leaders. It’s not all John Locke’s and Jack’s like on Lost. Usually there is just the blind leading the blind, and these guys can’t see two feet in front of themselves. They’re relatable and I love them for their grounding in reality.
Anyway, that whole blind leading the blind speech was pretty poignant by Andy. Just goes to show you that you should always listen to your nanny, even if she is named Annie…
I don’t know if it was appropriate for Sam, though. Sam is about as clueless as everyone else when it comes to the big stuff, it’s just that he’s not retarded about the little stuff.
Sam is more like Gary Cooper in High Noon. He’s a good guy who is in way over his head, but through purity and grit he comes out on top. Cooper had help from Grace Kelly, and in this instance Sam will get help from his Grace Kelly, Sookie.
Although, Sam did piece together Marianne’s plan: “I think to cut out my heart while a bunch of naked people watch.” “You did see a pig. And you were right, that pig was a part of all this.”
Oh yeah, and if Sam could see at all he would know that the thing at his bar was a trap. Although, maybe that just speaks to his purity, because he knew it was a trap. Once again this show, and Sam in general, blows my mind.
These Eyes… Duh Duh Duh Duh (You know, from the Guess Who…)
Anyway, I like how Jason at least acknowledges there is something wrong with the eyes of all these people. He is on the ball, but I guess that what happens after you’ve been trained by the fellowship of the sun.
I love that Hoyt put the stories together for Sookie and Bill. There were a lot of loose ends that needed to be tied, which the viewer had already connected, and now ensures the main characters are taught up.
“It’s just something people say, party at Mariane’s.” Hoyt
I really like the relaxed nature of all these zombies. They know what they want, but they’re not in a hurry. We could all learn from them. They’re like Spaniards with their siestas. No rush here.
Mother –in-law Issues
Pretty happy with the three way dynamic between Hoyt, his mom, and Jessica. The events are completely insane, but the dynamic is grounded in reality.
It appears that Jessica will be feeding on Hoyt’s mom. I hope that doesn’t cause any undue tension in the relationship. I talked about why they might break up (http://reluctantadultperspective.blogspot.com/2009/08/jessica-and-hoyt.html ), and this seems like it could be a deal breaker for Hoyt.
My Own Personal Jesus
Lafayette never ceases to impress me. His performance in Tara’s intervention is riveting television. The depth and degree of his acting is powerful stuff, while also remaining grounded in the character’s eclectic background. This is illustrated best by this quote:
“Jesus and I agreed to see other people, but that doesn’t mean we still talk from time to time.”
The coed that shows up to buy V looks insane. Not sure why exactly she was framed like a Barbie doll, but I found it amusing.
Jumanji House
I love that Sookie and bill just sort of wander in the house. Am I the only one who scares easily? I mean I’m afraid of my normal house. A tree house would freak me out like something fierce.
But what happened in the house? What were these powers Sookie exhibited? I feel this will be the source of the resolution for the season and the start of next season’s story. There is more to Sookie than we currently know and I’m excited to find it all out.
Time OUT!
Terry really stepped up his game to save Arlene, which I think showed his real life devotion coming through. When they switch to this odd perspective of the zombies I think it’s because that’s their inner soul viewing things and trying to call the shots. We sort of saw it with Tara when her mom was praying, too.
“I threatened to shoot a bunch of nails into Arlen’s brain.” Jason
I think it all means that these people can still be saved, but then again I could be completely wrong…
“As for you Jason Stackhouse, not cool.” Terry
Mind Reading
The whole mind reading thing by Sookie was too ridiculous for me. Her Charles Xavier impersonation was fine, it just didn’t feel like the show. I mean it’s a show about vampires and the supernatural, but the show has never gotten hung up on this stuff before. Talking about the abyss and whatever is just annoying.
You Need Horns!
I think Marianne should be more explicit with her instructions in the future. The mob is easily swayed because she doesn’t leave behind careful instructions. Although in the mob’s defense, they weren’t easily convinced, as articulated by Terry…
“Bullshit! God has horns!”
Although, it seems like the mob’s fickleness and sheep like nature is a parable for our culture’s willingness to blindly follow any leader that claims to be authority. I think these people are more apt to be Republicans, because they usually have strong leaders to tell the morons, Republicans, what to do. TO be fair though, Democrats are a group of wandering sheep because they all want to be Sheppards and as a result they lack direction and get nothing done. Was that fair and balanced?
I think I’m right about the message here, especially since Bill even comments on how stupid people are and how susceptible they are too suggestions.
“I got to get Eggs!”
I mean really? Wouldn’t now be the time to cut your losses and forget about Eggs. I guess if her idiocy gets her killed, though, it wouldn’t be a total loss. I’m really hoping that Rutina Wesley becomes unhappy with her role or demands too much money, and gets written off the show. Maybe she could choke Dan Cokely and get fired from Five Towns or Five Brothers, whatever the show is called. Wait, did I just cross Entourage with True Blood???
The Queen, and I’m not talking about Lafayette
Oh Evan Rachel Wood. This is the role you were born to play. It’s why I assume you’ve been dating Marilyn Manson. Oh yeah, if you didn’t know, Evan Rachel Wood is the Vampire Queen of this area, in case you didn’t know.
She’s definitely pale enough to play a vampire and totally hot enough. She’s also really cool, which is a prerequisite for playing a vampire.
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