My favorite part of the episode was that it didn't include any of Gary Cole's terribly annoying storyline. The only way I'll be pleased with this story line is if he downs a bottle of sleeping pills or ends up working for Primatech (that's what it's called, right?).
Anyway, i almost died when Vince and Turtle are discussing their abilities with a gun with Ari. When Turtle posits that he would have good aim because he is a good free throw shooter I was reminded of why I love this show. It wasn't them making some hipster pop culture reference or a really forced gag that makes me want to gag, just friends hanging out, which is when Entourage thrives. The whole point of the show is that it's a group of friends dealing with success. SO when they all try to be stand up comedians it loses its appeal and becomes a vanity exercise for hollywood insiders.
But back to the joke, I totally could imagine one of my friends saying something as profound as this. I could also imagine us having a terrible accident on par with Drama shooting out the window. For instance, the first and only time my best friend fired a gun he ended up hitting himself in the face with it and requiring stitches.
It's these scenes, these plausible occurrences that make this show enjoyable.
Already I'm dreading next week when they look at hiring a security guard. This is something that could be done in a competent manner, in much the same vein of Rufus's character. But instead it looks like they're going some ridiculous route that makes the show feel more like a network sitcom than something airing on HBO.
As for story lines, I like the stalker angle. It has legs for another episode. But, I would also like to see something more develop with Vinny's career. I would also like a progress report on Lloyd's quest to become an agent.
I'm conflicted about Drama's story arc. I like that there is an exec with a bone to pick with him, but not sure I like how they're dragging it out. Would have liked to seen a bigger blow up and maybe more immediate ramifications.
Oh yeah, I love ERic in a work place environment. Really don't want things to work out for him. His job seems pretty easy, but since he's running out of celebs he is friendly with I see it becoming more trying.
Anyway, I'm holding out hope that there is an Entourage revival. Unfortunately I feel like we're in a dark age ever since the house lights went on in the theater at Cannes.
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