I'm probably too harsh of a movie critic. It is possible that my hesitation to fully embrace certain films keeps me from appreciating them the same way other people do.
The same would not be said about my adoration for trailers. I love watching movie trailers, especially new ones in the theater. There is nothing like the excitement generated by the best two minutes of a 100 minute film thrown up on the big screen. At this point the movie hasn't disappointed me and it has all the potential in the world.
Here are some movie trailers I'm excited about...
THE SOCIAL NETWORK: THis movie is about the founder of Facebook, Mark Z-something. It stars the kid from ADVENTURELAND, which means I will overtly hate on him while really being uber jealous of him. THe movie has a feel of Shakespeare in a modern setting, akin to O or CRUEL INTENTIONS.
The bonus is a musician turned actor turned musician turned SNL guest in some role. See if you can spot him. I'm super excited about his inclusion in the movie.
RED: So the idea for the movie isn't totally original, but it has never been done with actors of this caliber. Essentially you've got Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman and Jon Malkovich as former CIA agents who for some reason are brought back into the action way past their prime. Actually, the show CHUCK did something similar with Fred Willard as an old spy that was pretty funny. THe major selling points about this movie for me are Helen firing guns and Malkovich doing the off the wall comedic rants he perfected in BURN AFTER READING.
This movie looks like fun, and has the kind of mass appeal cast to be a major hit. I'm really excited. The title means Retired Extremely Dangerous (I think).
DUE DATE: Todd Phillips (Old School, Starsky and Hutch, The Hangover) has a pretty good track record with movies. Throw in Downey Jr. and Galifianakis and this is a sure fire hit. If it feels too much like THE HANGOVER then you should be happy, since that movie was funny. This trailer is over the top and ridiculous. I'm excited.
THE TOWN: If you liked HEAT then i've got a movie for you. This film marks the directorial return of Ben Afflek, but more importantly signifies another jump to the big screen for Jon Hamm! THe movie looks pretty cool, even if Jeremy Renner feels like his old B-level self and Rebecca Hall appears to be as annoying as ever.
See if you can spot the trashy Gossip Girl star slumming it for this Bastan roll. Honestly, though, this looks exactly like HEAT. My sophomore year roommate will be so excited, if and only if he can ignore his distaste for Ben. (I just assume he hates him.)
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