Friday, June 11, 2010

Gleeful Podcast

So with the Glee finale a few days in the bag, i sat down with my friend Steve Wuest to breakdown the finale and the season. We ramble on for a while about the things we hate (story lines), people we love (Brit and Other Asian) and moments we keep coming back to ("My Life Would Suck Without You" vol. 1 finale).

You'll notice we got cut off during recommendations, so here is the last two minutes of the show.

At one point I mention Josh Groban's tv medley from the Emmy's, and here is that video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, gentlemen, well done!

Dave, your quick wit and mediocre insight proves to be slightly entertaining. Whoever this Steve character is sounds like a truly stand up guy.

My only qualm is that I believe that a name should be associated with Other Asian. I believe in the "Dance" episode where Artie refuses to wheel around with Tina, she calls mike(?) to dance with her. So I feel that he should be known as Mike the Other Asian.

I wholeheartedly concur that Mike the Other Asian and Brittany need more lines. Brittany is just fantastic, I would love to have borderline retarded babies with her.

One more thing that bugged me was they never resolved the Finn/Kurt situation. The overreaction by Yes, Dear Mr. O'Malley should have wither broken the parents up or had Finn move out of Kurt's house and in with Mr. Shue. If they are going to have that happen you cannot ignore the subsequent outcome like they did.

Overall, I loved the podcast. I would suggest making this a regular occurence, perhaps even throwing in some sports talk or current events to give it some variety (and also so Dave doesn't become a terribly poor, poverty ridden man's Frank Nicotero - the yahoo guy). WELL DONE GENTS, WELL DONE!!!