2. Absolutely loved the BAD ROMANCE video. The costumes were amazing, with my favorite being Brit's Face Lobster. THe only downfall was the fact that the choreography was a poor tribute to the actual video.
The vocals by Santana were my favorite part, as she reaffirmed her part as one of my favorite characters.
3. Ok, here's my rant: I HATED THE STUFF WITH KURT AND FINN. It's one thing to be tolerant of someone's lifestyle, which Finn is, but it's another thing to demand someone embraces that lifestyle as their own. I would argue that Finn moving into Kurt's house made him the oppressed minority since it was basically Kurt's way or the highway.
Kurt's dad's outrage was completely unwarranted. He goes on this tolerance rant, while failing to recognize that Finn was basically getting sexually harassed. Finn wasn't uncomfortable being naked in front of a gay guy. Finn was uncomfortable being naked around a gay guy WHO HAD A CRUSH ON HIM!!!! It's homophobic to assume a gay guy wants to jump you, but Finn wasn't reacting to nothing.
The show went out of it's way to justify Kurt's behavior, and it was wrong. He can dress however he want and live however he wants. People need to respect his decisions, but they don't have to accept or respect the kind of behavior Finn was forced to tolerate.
Additionally, the message at the end of the episode was totally misguided. We're all freaks???? Kurt isn't a freak because he's gay. Kurt's strange because of what he wears, but that doesn't mean the glee members need to isolate themselves from society in their merry band of misfits.
I'm all for educating America (I'm looking at you "flyover state"), but don't jam it down our throats the way Kurt did.
1 comment:
I have a weekly date with a group of friends. We started watching GLEE in the fall, and it used to be fun. GLEE is not normally a show I would watch, but everyone else was into it and the group dynamic was fun. It helped that there was a group setting to make fun of the utterly ridiculous things that happened. The characters were fine, the story was ok, but it was a fun experience.
Lately though, the story has gotten more out there. The show is a lot more preachy, and is much less fun to watch. I probably would have stopped watching it if not for the group.
Unlike most people, I'm not blown away by the music. Some songs are really good (Dream On was fantastic) but most of the others are just ok.
Miscellaneous points:
-I was going to rant about Kurt and Finn, but you beat me to it. My thoughts exactly. I used to like Kurt but now I can't stand him.
-My favorite characters (in order): Other Asian, Brittany, Sue, Puck, Santana. Oh, and Neil Patrick Harris.
-No Sue this episode. I was disappointed.
-When you find yourself rooting for the jocks against the protagonists, it's not a good sign for the show.
Finally, is Rachel hot? I change my mind from "super attractive" to "not good looking at all" at least ten times an episode. No exaggeration.
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