This is the second installment of my week in review segment. Based on last week's responses no one read it or everyone was just apathetic about it. Regardless, I will try again with week 2.
1. On the Celebrity Apprentice things got more catty than usual, as we finally realized last year's Joan Rivers vs. Annie Dukes rivalry in the form of Cyndi Lauper vs. a WWE Diva. (Sure, I could look up her name, but I won't.)
I totally love the Diva, who has proven herself to be a valuable asset and doesn't deserve the diva moniker i'm using. Lauper on the otherhand, was a terrible director of talent and basically just reminded me of my mom. Granted, my mom is a smart lady who runs a newspaper, but at home she has the same kind of attention deficit disorder and dictatorial tendencies that Cyndi exhibits.
Anyway, the two ladies butted heads, adding another enemy to Lauper's growing list of haters.
In the end, though, it was Goldberg who was sent home. He deferred to Brett Michaels and ended up losing, but kept on smiling. (That joke makes sense if u watch the show. If not, then just know that Goldberg was adamant about smiling. Ok, it doesn't work.)
2. On Monday there was no Chuck. But, I did get a return of HOUSE, even if it was 8 days after its originally airing since I watch it on HULU.
(Editor's Note: Not only is this week in review dated, it includes shows that are two weeks old! If you think we're editing this for valuable content, then think again. The only thing we took out was naked pictures of Cyndi Lauper that David photo-shopped, because we don't want to get sued.)
The episode was directed by Hugh Laurie, and it actually offered a different style as almost every scene revolved around the interplay of two characters. This was the product of some terrible scripting that required the hospital to be shutdown after a baby is misplaced and forced Cuddie to think unconventionally at the end of the show. The whole thing was uninspiring, especially the David Strathairn scenes that wasted a great actor in boring scenes opposite Hugh Laurie. Oh yeah, there was also stupid sex between Chase and Cameron. Basically HOUSE sucks. I WANT CHUCK
3. Why didn't I remember to DVR JUSITIFIED?!?!? Now i have to wait for it to show up OnDemand, which seems to take forever. So blame the stupid network's OnDemand provisions for my inability to comment on this show.
4. Wasn't wild about the Madonna episode on GLee. Loved the Like A Virgin remake, which was uber hot, but felt it was covered better in MOULIN ROUGE.
5. FLASHFORWARD killed off an interesting character in a surprising way. Well the death itself was more surprising, since i didn't think the writers would have the balls to kill off a compelling character without a bigger payoff. The death is proposed earlier in the episode, but I thought there would be a too convenient way around this outcome. But no, this guy gets wacked and the show opened another can of worms it will never close if it gets canceled.
6. FRINGE was really good. Not just episodic good, but serialized excellence was on display. Peter (joshua Jackson) finally learned that he's from the other dimension and responded by going on the lam. I also love the bad guy, whoever he is, and look forward to more tussles with him.
7. The food revolution met it's match in the series finale, and the winner was a lack of self-control! Boy I hate Jamie Oliver and hope I never have to hear from him again. Some people admired him personally and others appreciated his task, while I just hoped West Virginia would be bombed. I did get to learn that the Rascal Flats are a huge band, according to Jaime. Thanks!
SO this review didn't hit everyday or every show i watch, but offers you a little glimpse of the crap i devour. (Crap Jamie Oliver lets me eat with no second thought)
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