On the side of good we have: Jacob’s inept body guards, our time traveling castaways, The Others, Richard, Jet Li and his translator.
On the evil side we have: The Man in Locke. By itself not that impressive, but now that we know he’s the smoke monster he seems more daunting (we’ll come back to this revelation).
The middle: Ben. No idea who Ben will fight for or why he would want to fight. This beaten down version of Ben that we’re presented with is rather disheartening. I find it unnerving when Ben doesn’t know what’s going on, and seems content to merely go along for the ride. Some might think he is still scheming, but I’d argue that he is outside of his realm now, especially since we have the ultimate schemer in the Man in Locke.
Speaking of The Man in Locke, also known as the ghost monster, I think we all need to reassess the last five seasons. Every sign that supposedly originated from the island could have actually come from the Man in Locke (who will now be called MiL), which makes me think that Jacob has been trapped the whole time. Jacob being trapped would make sense, since Locke supposedly heard him say “help me” when they were in the cabin. The problem with that idea is that Jacob seems to set up camp at the base of the giant statue. Although there was definitely something in that cabin, and there was a circle of ash to keep something in or out. Anyway…
I think I like the parallel storylines. If there is some payoff at the end of the plane storyline I think it could be promising. On the other hand, though, I find some of it very annoying, specifically Jin and Sun’s dynamic. I can’t go through another season of them fighting, especially while the normal timeline versions are madly in love. Maybe the show is demonstrating the positive effect of the island in this case.
Off the island I’m looking forward to seeing Charles Widmore, Desmond and Claire. I hope Eloise pops up and I’m praying we get a little more of Daniel Faraday. I think Juliet will appear in this arc.
Here are some more random thoughts about the LAX storyline: I like the throwaway sight gag with the annoying guy who takes a flaming arrow to the chest in season five. I think Sawyer will make a run at Hurley’s money. Is Rose going to die? Is Oceanic the worse airline ever, since they either crash your plane or lose your coffin? Are Desmond and Penny together? What’s the deal with Christian Shepard’s body?
The lost coffin is very intriguing. Is it a red herring? I think it is. It’s not like they can go to the island since it is under water. This fact kept disappearing from my mind throughout the episode when I dreamed about how they would get back. They’re not going back. We’re going to explore their lives off the island.
One last thing, where were Michael and Walt on the plane?!?!?!??! Where was Paulo and his girlfriend? Ok, that second one isn’t too important, but the first one is. Doesn’t Walt have like magical powers or something? They better be on this season and there better be answers.
One more thing, regarding Charlie. What did he mean when he said he was supposed to die? Was he trying to kill himself in the pilot episode?
Back to the epic battle that is coming, which I think will be epic. I really hope there is a way to battle the MiL. As the smoke monster he seems invincible and Richard cautioned against shooting him when he was in MiL form. (Why does he retain Locke’s body?) I have no idea what the battle will look like, but it’s definitely coming.
Is this the war Widmore warned about? He said Locke needed to be there, but it’s possible he just mean MiL.
Here are some random thought about this storyline before my head explodes: Why is Miles around and not anyone else from 1977? Always knew Sayid wouldn’t die. Speaking of which….
What is the risk Jet Li was talking about from the springs? Was it the same thing Richard referred to when he presumably brought Ben there last season? In that instance Richard said it would change Ben and make him into one of them. What happens to Sayid as a consequence? But back to my random thoughts…
I like that Jack went on a leap of faith in trusting Hurley. Didn’t like how the castaways doubted Jet Li, since by now they should know to go with the flow. I still hate Kate. How did Juliet know it worked? MiL’s man boobs freak me out. Why did Juliet survive the blast?
I was really disappointed that Juliet got a prolonged death. Rewatched “THE INCIDENT: PART 2” earlier today and I was again brought to tears by what seemed like her original demise. No need to mess with the best death of the series.
Finally, I think Richard is from the slave ship called the Black Rock. That would make sense considering the chains, although it wouldn’t answer why he doesn’t age. I think that’s coming in a flashback episode for him.
Finally finally, the book we glimpse on momentarily under the walls surround the temple is a French book called “Fear and Trembling.” According to Wikipedia the central theme of the book is seeking salvation in the face of conditions that cause fear and trembling. That would lend credence to the idea that Jacob is testing people with hard tests.
Those are my random thoughts immediately in the aftermath of the season six premier. There will probably be more after I read Doc Jensen’s column in Ew, which I recommend all Lost fans check out.
What were your thoughts on the episode? Please comment. Let’s start a dialogue.
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