This is just a quick list of all the podcasts I'm listening too now:
THE TONY KORNHEISER SHOW: This podcast is derived from Tony's two hour radio show he does in Washington. A typical week includes lamenting over the Redskins, trashing the Washington Post Journal, addressing Tony's current obsession and fitting some sports tidbits in. There are also football picks from James Carville, Jaws and a monkey (only one isn't a person).
The B.S. REPORT: This is Bill Simmon's podcast, which is basically a more convoluted version of a column without any focus and only a vague central theme. They typically includes calls to his friend Jack O or football picks with COUSIN SAL. I think this is the most popular podcast on itunes.
FRONTLINE: This is just the audio from PBS's Frontline series. Very compelling, interesting and well done. They make the boring fascinating.
NPR, IT's ALL POLITICS: A loosy goosey approach to covering politics.
NY TIMES POLITICAL POINTS: A formal smoral approach to covering politics.
NEW YORKER POLITICAL SCENE: Waspy swaspy approach to covering politics.
SLATE'S POLITICAL GABFEST: A happy hour approach to covering politics
SLATE'S CULTURAL GABFEST: Ditto, except about tv, books, and such.
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