For the most part the episode was entertaining. I've never seen the show before, and the star's narration quickly wore on me. Luckily, Ferrell kept things reasonably light and humorous, even while host Bear tried to highlight the grisly nature of the whole endeavor. This included phrases from Bear like, We WERE BOTH GOING TO DIE!, and Will Ferrell exclaiming that he may have lost his penis.
Anyway, I'm just impressed by the cameramen who followed Bear and Will. These guys are surviving, and CARRYING CAMERA GEAR!! I want them to do an episode where they flip things around and make Bear do the filming.
Best line of the night, "So that's the filet mignon of the deer head." Once Bear started to lighten up the episode became much more enjoyable.
I think all celebrities should have to appear on "Man vs. Wild," especially if it means we can thin out the ranks a little bit. I'm looking at you Dane Cooke, Andy Richter, and Nicholas Cage.
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