Everything about this movie feels awkward, from the gay romps to a nipple slip that comes from nowhere. Across the Universe tries to run ten different directions at once and fails miserably in every attempt. The film never finds a voice, floating all over the place in a pointless attempt to unite all the characters, which culminates in a rooftop performance that oddly mirrors some band in history.
I’m all for a good musical number, heck I’m a sucker for any movie that spontaneously breaks out in song, but combining Grease and Moulin Rouge doesn’t work.
The only good thing about the movie is the cameos by Eddie Izzard and Bono, and the musical performances by Martin Luther. All three men steal every scene they’re in, and Luther is responsible for all of the best music numbers.
I’m only bringing this movie up because I recently saw it after my school played it, and because it was nominated for an Academy Award for Costume Design. I hope to god the film loses so no one in the future can say, “The Academy Award winning film, Across the Universe.” It’s bad enough that people can throw, “Academy Award nominated,” before the title, because it could create a false impression about the movie.
NEVER EVER SEE THIS MOVIE. If you love the Beatles don't let the soundtrack fool you, because this is a waste of time.
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