Thursday, July 30, 2009

Crows fly high

Author Joseph Wambaugh just misses with his sequel to Hollywood Station. Hollywood Crows picks up shortly after the events of its predecessor and follows all of the main characters.
The book is primarily a collection of short anecdotes, driven by Wambaugh’s readable and relatable dialogue. There is an overarching storyline that links all the characters together, but it lacks the intrigue and fun of the one in the first book.
Again Wambaugh targets the federal decree that he feels sabotages the effectives of the LAPD, and this time around it starts to wear on the reader. We get that the system is messed up, but enough already.
I’m not saying I want the story to delve into uncharted areas like the way The Wire tapestry expanded season after season. I would like to see him stay consistent in his storytelling and to that end a more interesting story would have been nice.
The fact that the mystery dominating the story is neither mysterious or entertaining is a testament to Wambaugh’s skill as a writer, because I would definitely recommend the book.
It blows my mind that these books haven’t become television shows. They offer episodic adventures with an overarching story. The dialogue is fascinating and it is easy to empathize with the characters.
When Southland came out on NBC it originally looked like an adaptation of Wambaugh’s stories. About 4 minutes of canned dialogue and unholy self-righteousness into the first episode it became apparent that Wambaugh had not been consulted, referenced or in any way involved with this project.
There is a third book in the series that I will read as soon as my dad buys it and until then you should try to catch up by reading Hollywood Station and Hollywood Crows.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boris has royal pains

It looks like Royal Pains is finally introducing a recurring storyline, as the mysterious Boris may have a mysterious illness. Not sure how I feel about this developing plot, but I'm open minded about it since Boris is one of my favorite characters on the show and deserves more screen time.
The show has been episodic so far and I wonder if viewers will have the attention span to follow this development. If I had to bet, though, Boris's illness will probably be a winner, since USA rarely misses with their plot ideas.
Not so wild about Jill's cold feet concerning her relationship with Hank.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tricia Helfer is the only gem in the Warehouse

So I'm basically just going through the motions now with Warehouse 13. The show is basically a waste of time. It's simply a worse version of Fringe and feels like a generic sci-fi show that built such a terrible reputation for the genre.
The one bright spot on the last episode was Tricia Helfer, who needs to be on a show again. She's wasted on anything formulaic, like Warehouse 13 or Burn Notice, but could be a star in something edgy. Her performance in Battlestar Galactica was nothing short of revolutionary and could probably recreate those results in another show that pushes boundaries. Maybe AMC, FX or HBO could be her home.
But back to Warehouse 13, there's nothing to say except ughh. I'm waiting on some sort of mythology or running story line to keep me interested. As it is now, it's a simple episodic drama that isn't worth the time i wasted watching. That said, I'll still keep watching...
Anyway, excited for a BBC miniseries called Torchwood. Saw a preview for it and I'm excited. No idea where to find it though...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Don't Bother with Harry Potter

I can't keep getting my heart broken by the Harry Potter movies. Besides the third film i always leave disappointed. I mean the sixth film is more entertaining than the first, but you really can't compare them. The first movie is a kid's film, whereas this was supposed to be more adult.
Anyway, I saw Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince on Wednesday and i really did not enjoy it. I should add the disclaimer that I loved the books, but i really do try to judge the movies with an open mind. That's why I see them with at least one Non-Book reader, to help augment my perspective.
My conclusion is that the movie was too confusing, too boring and too hung up on teen angst and romance.
The movie is over two hours long and feels like it could have used an intermission. Maybe this film should have been broken up too, or they could have cut out some of the repetitive Lavendar Brown seens. Brown is a girl with a crush on one of the main characters, and we're constantly reminded of this thanks to a mostly superfluous story line.
Entertainment Weekly does this thing where they cut out chunks of the movie to make a leaner more enjoyable film. If i was doing that I think I would remove 80% of the storyline involving Ron's female companion. That would save about 6 minutes. I would also take out Ron's quidditch story line. It adds nothing to the movie and costs us about 12 minutes. While I'm at it, wouldn't mind just getting rid of Ron because I find him extremely annoying.
Anyway, they could have cut down the Slughorn storyline. It's very entertaining, but probably not that useful to the story's progression.
I firmly believe the movies need to create their own identity away from the books and that might mean radical changes. The books aren't perfect and a good screenplay writer should be able to make them leaner and meaner. For starters, the movie shouldn't play like a reader's digest version of the book. Create your own story. I think that's the problem with trying to stay true to the story line. Just stay true to what makes the story great.
That includes the fight scene they removed from the movie, in which good and evil battle in the aftermath of (spoiler alert) Dumbledore's death. The fighting isn't particularly interesting, but the emotion that dominates that scene is. Everyone is coming together. Everyone is having to grow up at once. And all of this is done while they're slowly realizing that Dumbledore won't be around to save them all anymore. It's a touching scene that builds up the atmosphere for the 7th book.
It probably could have fit if they took out the field of dreams fight sequence that did nothing for the movie.
As for making sense, i was surprised by my non-book reading friends ability to decipher the horcruxe story line, especially because i was a little lost and i know what happens. I think that story line was rushed and underdeveloped. My only hope is that the 7th movie, both installments, do a good job laying it all out there.
Anyway, I was just disappointed with this movie. The pacing is off, the action is ho hum and Emma Watson (Hermione) is wasted in the film.
Go see it. Don't see it. But whatever u do, read the books.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Man in Black!

The man in black is on KINGS! Not Johnny Cash, but the actor who played the "man in black" on the recent season finale of Lost.
Titus Welliver, plays the "bartender" on last week's episode of Kings. WElliver was a prominent player on Deadwood alongside Kings star, Ian McShane.
I'm only about ten minutes into the episode and based on the fact his character doesn't have a real name on imdb doesn't bode well for the size of his role in the episode. But, WElliver is always exciting, as he recently stirred up a buzz with his role on Lost.
Some character actors pop up here and there are enjoyable. For some reason, he is rarely seen, but steals every scene he is in.
Here's to you Titus.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Some things are best left in the warehouse

The network formerly known as the SCIFI network debuted its new show, Warehouse 13, on Tuesday night.
I'll have more to say on it when I collect my thoughts, but for now i'll just give you my first impression, which is that it's a worse version of Fringe.
You've got a mad scientist. Curious male lead. Skeptical female lead. Dead boyfriend. Lady assisstant.
Viewers from either show will know who I am referring to.
Overall I didn't find the experience very compelling. The main duo lacked any charm together, the story wasn't that interesting and the action pretty boring.
This show was more reminiscent of the crappy shows the network formerly known as the SCIFI network put out pre-Battlestar galactica. Maybe a 1950s audience would embrace this Twilight zone-esque bore, but I did not.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

True Blood star comes into her own

I'm already geared up for the True Blood spin-off starring teen vampire Jessica and gay drag queen Lafayette. Such a show would surely play well on the CW.
I've always been a Lafayette fan, but it's been Jessica who has brought the show up a notch in season two. Watching her enter vampirehood has been nothing short of brilliant.
The scene in which Bill tries to find a version of True Blood for her was akin to a single father trying to explain other bloody situations with his own daughter. On top of that, Bill even did normal dad stuff by going shopping for his pseudo-daughter. The familiarity with which any father must have had with that scene is sure to be high.
But Jessica is not just a laugh a minute. She is truly an endearing character, who has struggled in her new role. Her confrontation of her family was poignant for me, as it reminded me of my own experience coming home after graduating from college and the new family dynamic. The way I sort of wanted to challenge authority.
But in the last episode that aired, in which Jessica make a romantic friend is by far the sweetest thing ever on HBO.
I am excited for whatever True Blood and Jessica have planned for the rest of the season.

Paris hates on Saratoga

So it’s Thursday night and I’m finally sitting down to watch Tuesday’s episode of Paris Hilton’s quest to find a new best friend.
A couple thing before we begin the blog…

1. I already know what happens! Why would certain people put in their newsfeed on facebook the result of their show before I had a chance to write about it?? I mean I’m like 2% sure she at least glances at my blog to make sure I’m not writing anything too terrible and so she must have realized I hadn’t seen it yet if I hadn’t posted!!! UGHHH
2. We will be joined by some special guests who wanted to see the show while Kaitlin was still on it.
3. Oh yeah, and they’ve already green lit season three of this show. Questioning the legitimacy of reality show…
4. I wonder if this is my last episode.
Here we go!
Dave: Excited that we’ll be making light of Hilton’s time in jail.
Alex; What was her problem? She was a poor tom boy? Lance Armstrong only has one nut.
(Ryan, Alex’s brother, has joined us)
Ryan: Does Chris also phrase his questions in the third person? Is Chris upset?
Dave: This whole thing seems very official
Alex: they’re not strippers.
Dave: Tinecia, don’t fight the police! Resist the urge!
Dave: Kaitlin is going to get destroyed in prison. Is it wrong to suggest that Stephen might like it?
(Eric Magnano is here!)
Eric: So Paris is just going to pick the straight guy for sex? That would be a cool best friend. A real giver.
Dave: How did she know the age of the poop? Did she do a little carbon dating?
Alex: Stefanie cries about being a tom boy, but jail doesn’t faze her at all.
Alex: I like Nicole. She has cranberry juice in her cell.
Dave: Is it wrong that I think Paris is hot?
Alex: Nicole’s stock is rising in my book! She’s been in juvenile hall and apparently steals cats according to Paris.
Alex: Which one is Llena? How did she choose her? Honest face?
Ryan: How tall is Paris? 7 feet in heels?
Eric: The cat is biting me. What is he doing?
Alex: Paris would put great weight on the choices of Stewart (my cat). She probably say TTYN based on his aversion of you.
Alex: Why aren’t they forming alliances????
Ryan: they’re not that smart. Survivor requires a certain intellect.
Eric: I guarantee Stephen wins.
Ryan: DD on David’s arm. My brain is currently being blocked by the log jam of jokes trying to make it out. Drunk ditz. Dork dude. Why are the worst ones getting out??!??!?!
Ryan: This show isn’t even a half hour
Alex; Someone fell out of their top
Ryan: And their bottom
Eric: I believe I predicted that Stephen would win.
Dave: Impressed that Stefanie didn’t cry when she fell down. This.. Was… So….Hard…For…Me…
Alex: If the straight guy doesn’t win this he should be ashamed of himself
Dave; Stefanie didn’t really prove her tomboy credentials with her rope skills.
Dave: 5 foot nothing. 100 and nothing. And not a speck of athletic ability on you.
Alex: Wins what??? Nothing on this show matters??
Dave; Quality fake moustache on Onch.
Alex; The straight guy should probably win this.
Ryan and Eric: Chunked?
Eric: Is that the right verb?
Ryan: It’s not even half over? Must be an action packed episode.
David: What prison hosted this? Sidenote, based on Stephen’s excitement, is Paris the new Barbara Streissand for this eras gay men?
Alex; Stephen hates Kaitlin? Don’t they host stuff together on facebook? What is real on this show????
Alex: It’s all a joke. Stephen is really straight as an arrow and this is all just a ploy to get into Paris Hilton’s pants.
Alex: Tuna fish and cream of corn? Sounds good.
Dave: This was a gourmet meal for Stefanie growing up.
Eric: She said she’ll be watching from a two way mirror, is that possible?
Ryan: Yeah, it’s called a window.
Eric: What’s that girl doing? She looks a lot like me. Definitely a good investment to get the two-way mirror.
(Fact finding: Served less than 24 days in jail. That included her screaming in court that her sentence was “not right.” All according to Wikipedia)
Alex: Is it racist to assume Tenicia will fit right in?
Ryan: She’ll probably start rapping.
Alex: True dat. I think Stefanie is real.
Dave; I hope they post the full length interviews online.
Dave; Stefanie’s life keeps getting worse. Soon she’ll say she was married at age 12
Alex: Maneater=Prostitute
Dave: Three six mafia are really breaking Tinicia down. She’s gone. Although it seems like she has a soft spot for criers.
Alex: They’re lying about Kaitlin.
Eric: I’ve seen like 45 minutes of this show, tonight and some earlier one, and she’s always crying!
Dave: It doesn’t bode well for Kaitlin that Paris has no sympathy for her tears.
Dave: Is there anyway Stephen doesn’t win?
Alex: His journey could be plagued by another potential stripper challenge.
Dave: Kaitlin David and Nicole
Alex: Kaitlin David and Desirae
Dave: Could use of haggard by Paris.
Alex: It’s pronounced Hagrid (like in Harry Potter).
Eric: Why would you drive if you were that rich? I feel like you could avoid DUIs that way.
Dave; I don’t think there are varying degrees to being real.
Ryan: Who discusses it?
Alex: Her and her dog. Sometimes a tiger.
Alex: How is David not up for discussion?
Dave: Maybe there is an alliance. An alliance against Kaitlin. She’s getting railroaded off this show.
Dave: I think we’ll all remember when Meryl Streep jumpstarted her career on Marilyn Monroe’s quest for a BFF. I see big things for Nicole.
Dave and Alex: Axed her a question!
(BIG CUT IS HERE! That’s Dwayne Hazel for all you ignoramuses out there)
Alex: Three strikes Kaitlin and here comes the waterworks. She could hydrate a desert. She must drink a ton of water.
Dwayne: Can P Diddy have a show?
Dave: Didn’t he have “Be My B***H?”
Dave: Is there anyway that Stephen doesn’t walk away with a spinoff he doesn’t win?
Alex: How can Paris say TTYN to someone she claims will be her friend in the future…
Alex: I don’t know who to root for anymore.
Dave: I don’t know what to watch anymore…
Dave: Why is David surprised about the girl themed stuff???